Nine out of 10 people would say winter is their favourite season, and winter is coming! So, hurry with the shopping spree. Noorjahan Market, here I come! There were exactly the types of outfits I had in my mind. Time to get choosy!
Lulled by the drowsy weather, my hands spiked with goose bumps as the buying began. I know it already: I am going to rock this winter. Wait a minute _ is that really the jumper that Riri wore last December? It looks so much alike, and who knew I’d find one just like that here?
A loose jumper with taper-cut jeans, along with white sneakers is the most popular choice for winter wear, I thought while scanning the place. The excruciating pain in my knees faded away as my eyes caught just what I was looking for. I cautiously offered to pay the price the vendor asked for. My inner self grinned ear to ear as I bagged my purchases, proudly.
Time to go home and try these on! I’m deliciously tired by now. It was therapeutic. Maybe, I’ll go out and grab some snacks, or perhaps, I’ll check out the next shopping mall.
A man needs a few clothes to get by, they say. Winter, on the other hand, attracts some spending, even for a man. And coincidentally, this thought came to my mind as I was crossing Dhaka New Market _ talk about their winter collection!
Will that V-neck vest go with my winter look, or would the bomber jacket be better? What about that printed shirt I just got? Will they look good together?
A maroon sweat parka stole my eyes. “How much is this?” blurted out of my mouth. At Taka 750, after 10 minutes of bargaining, I got the perfect fight-back for the winter chill.
Walking past the familiar smell of street foods creates an uncontrollable tinge in the tummy. But my unfaltering determination to have the most suave combination for winter keeps me going.
“Hmm... a hand-knit burnt amber sweater or a coffee overcoat, over a sky-blue shirt, a simple buckled belt and a pair of beige gabardine trousers would do for a few days,” I thought to myself, while running through the colour combinations in my head. The next thing I know, those exact attires are in my hands.
Okay, time to leave the place with my hands full of bags. I’m going home happy!