‘Thor: Ragnarok’, a 2017 American superhero and action film of Marvel universe directed by Taika Waititi, was released at Star Cineplex of Bashundhara City Shopping Mall and Blockbuster Cinemas of Jamuna Future Park. With its US release, the third instalment of ‘Thor’ franchise hits the cinemas in Bangladesh on Friday.
This movie is said to be one of the most exciting team-ups of Thor and his partner in crime the Hulk in Marvel cinematic history with the most adventurous universal road trip until now.
Starring Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Cate Blanchette, Tom Hiddleston, Jeff Goldblum and Anthony Hopkins, the film is produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ premiered in Los Angeles on October 10, 2017, and was released in Australia on October 25, 2017. The film was released in the United States (US) November 3, in 3D, IMAX, and IMAX 3D.
Following the events of the film, ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’, Thor is held captive on the planet Sakaar. Without his trusty hammer Mjölnir as it was destroyed by Hela, the goddess of death, Thor must defeat his old friend The Hulk and assemble a team.
They return to Asgard with a team, in order to stop the evil Hela from bringing Ragnarok and destroying Asgardian civilization. ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ takes place before the final movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe's third segment, ‘Avengers: Infinity War’, and is expected to act as a connection towards the final clash with the great super villain Thanos.
Both teasers and trailers alike have been released, but so far they did not reveal too much about the film except hammer Mjölnir getting destroyed and Thor and the Hulk found each other in a gladiatorial arena before assembling a team of their own to take on the powerful heal together.
Show Time: Cineplex: 10:50am, 01:40pm, 04:30pm, 07:30 pm;
Blockbuster: 12:00pm, 3:45pm, 7:15pm.