With staging ‘Sonai Madhab’, a notable play by popular theatre troupe Loko Natyadal (Siddeshwari), the four-day festival ‘Srishti-Meena Bazar Dance Drama Festival’ will end today. The play will be staged at 7pm at the Experimental Theatre of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy (BSA), Segun Bagicha in the capital.
Cultural Minister Asaduzzaman Noor is expected to present as chief guest at the inaugural ceremony of the festival today evening.
Directed by Liaqaut Ali Lucky, the production ‘Sonai Madhab’ is based on a story from Mymensingh Geetika, a collection of traditional ballads. Music of the production was done by Mostafa Anwar Swapan. ‘Sonai Madhab’ weaves a tale of romantic tragedy between Sonai and Madhab, the leading characters in the play. The play is a dramatic depiction that weaves woes, agonies and dilemmas of women in a traditional narrative way.
The cast of the play includes Roksana Akter Rupsa, Zahidul Kabir Liton, Liakaut Ali Lucky, Rahima Khatun Nila, Mamun Hossain, among others. The troupe brought the drama on stage in 1993, while the female characters of the drama were played by male artistes but in the new form, the female characters will be played by female artistes.
Sponsored by University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, Kazi & Kazi Tea and Organikare, Srishti Cultural Centre has organised the event in association with Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy.
Where: BSA, Segun Bagicha
When: 7pm, today