Released on PS4, Xbox One and PC in March, Troll and I arrives on Switch, once again drawing on Nordic folklore to tell the story of a young boy, Otto, and his troll friend. Or, rather, it would if it were vaguely playable.
Poorly received on other formats, the intervening months (of what one would presume to be additional development time) have done the Switch version no favours. Characters and objects are more jagged than you’d expect on the original PlayStation, let alone a 2017 console, while actually attempting to play reveals a frame rate of what feels like four per second, an unforgivably jarring experience even if everything weren’t offensively low resolution.
There is the heart of an interesting The Last Guardian-esque adventure game here, as Otto and Troll use their singular skills to traverse the Scandinavian wilderness. Unfortunately, this is such a terribly optimised, blatantly rushed and ultimately unplayable mess that no one will ever know.