Police on Sunday night rescued BCMC College student Nasim Islam, 22, after two days of his abduction from Narail bus stand in Jessore town. Nasim Islam was kidnapped on August 7 afternoon by criminals while he was returning home from his college. Later, the criminals demanded Tk5 lakh as ransom from his father over telephone. Meanwhile, SI Manjur Ali Khan of Kotwali police station has been closed to police line as he had neglected in his duty in arresting the criminals, who kidnapped Nasim Islam. When contacted, Officer-in-Charge Kotwali police Shikder Akkas Ali told this correspondent that Nasim was the son of retired army personnel Mofijur Rahman of village Perol in Narail Sadar. Mofijur filed a case in this connection. The police arrested one Golam Rasul of East Barandhi para in Jessore town and his father Liakat Ali. Earlier, Golam Rasul and his associates set Nasim free at Narail bus stand on Sunday at about 7pm. The OC also said they also arrested two more people, identified as Saiful Islam and Foisol Islam. Both are inhabitants of Barandhipara in Jessor town.