Ferry services on the Bhola-Laxmipur route resumed yesterday morning, 16 days after its suspension due to collapse of Ilisha ghat
(terminal) approach road.
Deputy Commissioner of Bhola district Selim Reza inaugurated the ferry service at the new ferry terminal constructed by BIWTA on the tip of Biswa Road. ‘Kanakchanpa’ ferry started its operation from the new terminal in the morning.
Ferry service of Bhola-Laxmipur route came to a halt on July 26, after the two kilometre road linking the Ilisha ferry terminal was devoured by the strong currents of water in the Meghna River.
Movement of all types the vehicles on the road were suspended as the road was totally damaged due to the erosion.
The suspension of the ferry services caused sufferings to thousands of passengers and traders of 16 southern districts, including Bhola, Barisal, Patuakhali, Barguna, Pirojpur and Khulna.