Police have arrested an organiser of the banned militant outfit Hizb ut-Tahrir from Dev Pahar area of Chittagong city. Acting on a tip-off, a team of Chittagong Metropolitan Police (CMP) made the arrest on Sunday night and also seized a laptop and a printer. The arrestee was identified as Sohan Yeasir Iqbal, 28, son of ASM Iqbal, hailing from Fatikchari upazila of the district and currently a resident of Dev Pahar area. When contacted, Devdas Bhattacharya, additional police commissioner (Crime and operation) of CMP told The Independent, “Sohan is an MBA student of Chittagong University. He was working as an organiser of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Chittagong University and Chittagong University of Engineering Technology (CUET) units.” “Acting on a tip-off, Sohan Yeasir Iqbal was arrested from his Dev Pahar residence. All members of his family are involved with militant outfit Hizb ut-Tahrir. He was arrested once before in 2010. His brother Yeasir Iqbal is also behind bars now for his alleged involvement with the Hizb ut-Tahrir,” added the police official.