Theatre troupe Arshinagar is going to stage the play ‘Se Raate Purnima Chhilo’ based on a novel with the same title by Shahidul Zahir today at the Experimental Hall of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy (BSA), Segun Bagicha in the city. ‘Se Raate Purnima Chhilo’ is a story of love and agitation and the play is directed by Reza Arif. The play sees a group of people from a village named Suhasini sit together in a full-moon night to gossip about Mafizuddin, an immensely popular person from their locality. Their discussion informs the audience that Mafizuddin was killed with his entire family in a full-moon night in a month of Bhadra a long ago. Then the story of Mafizuddina and his family has been brought to the stage via flashback. The story of Mafizuddin is not only about his family rather it depicts the story of the people of Suhasini village. Finally, it brings the history of Bangladesh, movement and progress of the people of Bangladesh and post-Liberation war condition of the country on stage through the play.
The cast of the play includes Ivan, Sohel, Boni, Atiq, Bappa, Dinar, Yunus, Jobaydur, Partha, Daizy, Putul, among others. The set of the production is designed by Limon and Sami, while the light designer is Shahinur Rahman and music is arranged by Nirjhar, Michil, Dinar, Daizy and Rupa.
Where: BSA, Segun Bagicha
When: 7 pm l