Speakers at the concluding ceremony of a training course have stressed for ensuring basic ICT literacy for the educated women for turning them into skilled human resources to accelerate national development, reports BSS from Rangpur. They were addressing the concluding ceremony of the fortnight-long training course on ‘Basic ICT Literacy for Women & Outsourcing’ organised under the Learning & Earning Project at Kawnia upazila parishad auditorium on Sunday afternoon. Kawnia upazila administration organised the training course with assistance of the Department of Information and information & communication technology (ICT) of the Ministry of Post, Telecommunications and Information Technology. Kawnia Upazila Chairman Alhaj Mahfuzar Rahman Mithu attended the concluding ceremony and distributed certificates and prizes among the participants as the chief guest with Kawnia Upazila Nirbahi Officer Syed Farhad Hossain in the chair. Upazila Female Vice-chairman Shefali Khatun and Assistant Commissioner (Land) Rashed Haque addressed the ceremony as the special guests. Upazila level government officials of different departments, teachers, civil society members, professionals, public representatives and local elite attended the launching ceremony of the training course. A total of 40 unemployed and young educated women, with 20 each from different villages under Kawnia upazila in the district took part in the training course in two phases.