Even sky is not the limit for development, which gets topmost priority of any government of any country. But more often than not development of human resource to which every other development is subservient is neglected, conventionally handled or taken for granted. As a result, the human resource is not transformed into effective manpower or proper workforce with integrity, efficiency and skill. Eventually, we see that ethics and values are very fast fading away, excellent management principles are kept confined in books and rampant corruption, inefficiency and mismanagement have become the order of the day. Systematic approach to man-making education and training is hardly seen in curriculum.
To keep the issue more focussed we will confine ourselves to human resource development issues in organizations. Whenever any drawback or deficiency in performance is noticed almost invariably the reason is attributed to lack of proper training in the most simplistic manner forgetting the fact that training is only one of the human resource development mechanisms and not the panacea. A systematic and thorough study of the performance problem for proper solution is seldom done.
The problem of HRD starts from recruitment. Selection of square pegs for round holes is a common error as the employees are not recruited in view of consistently brilliant record and personality traits but through test of academic acumen in an examination charged with inherent lacuna, and a short time personality test. As a result a candidate once failed sometimes stands even first in the next one disproving the sanctity of the selection process. Moreover, a candidate educated in medicine is selected to be a diplomat and a candidate educated in international relations is selected for doing audit and accounts. In an era of intense systematic knowledge and high professionalism they are left to deliver on the basis of nut-shell package, common sense and general intelligence. Naturally a lot of emphasis has to be paid on their training at induction point and periodically afterwards.
It may be mentioned that after an exhaustive and intensive research work carried out in over 200 institutions in USA Daniel Goleman unquestionably concluded that about 70% of the toppers in recruitment tests miserably fail in performance. The number is bound to be much more where job security is tremendous and career advancement is linked with subjective reporting. Success is an unending process of proving oneself in every assignment and nothing fails in life like success which makes us rigidly complacent and egoistic.
Irrespective of any performance problem in any organisation training need analysis (TNA) is a must as human excellence has no limit and every kind of inadequacy has a remedy. Outcome of TNA points at threefold problems : infrastructural, motivational and lack of knowledge and skill. Infrastructural problems relate to resource inadequacy, lack of well defined hierarchy, charter of duties, role clarity, delegation of power etc leading to lack lustre performance. As regards motivational issues it must be kept in mind that most of the employees wants to do his/her best and be recognised for the same. But when good performance is not appreciated and bad performers indulging in sycophancy or manipulation derive the benefits the problem of motivation arises. Of all the reasons leadership crisis and managerial deficiency are the root causes of demotivation.
When performance is hampered directly due to job-specific knowledge and skill- technical, human and conceptual or decision-making, training intervention is necessary. Training refers to inducing job-oriented attitude, knowledge and skill.
Creating learning event for educated adults is always difficult during proactive or induction courses arranged immediately after recruitment due to unfelt necessity of the participants. Reactive or in service training has been globally found to be much more useful being well received and enriched with trial and error and thinking of the participants. Hence prolonged proactive training for the recruits is nowadays considered to be wasteful and should be restricted to a minimum period and compensated by short reactive courses at regular intervals.
It is said that if you give one fish it will be eaten away and finished. But if you teach him how to catch fish that will help him throughout for sustenance. Training intervention is aimed at that development. Moreover, every manager is directly or indirectly involved in imparting training to employees under him. So, in addition to imparting training emphasis has to be given on development of a systematic approach to training so that the trainers can do their best with scientific approach and even managers can create requisite learning event in organization for betterment of output.
Systematic approach to training starts with identification of training needs based on attitude, knowledge and skill required for performance of a specific job. Accordingly, planning or designing of training programme is contemplated taking into consideration various design parameters like objectives, entry behaviour etc and prevalent constraints with a view to creating requisite learning event. Next comes training methodology for proper implementation of the design. It is followed lastly by assessment on the basis of cost benefit analysis and transfer of learning in real job scenario which may indicate fresh identification of training needs, if any. Thus we find the systematic approach to training cycle with ITN >Planning & Designing > Implementation > Assessment.
Training curriculum should consist of requisite job-oriented knowledge like facts, procedures, principles and concepts. Facts consist of basic job-related information while procedure relates to various ways of transaction of business. Principles relate to relevant rules and regulations while concepts widen the horizon of understanding for alternative possibilities to be contemplated for decision making. In training parlour attitude is regarded as reacting skill and skill implies proper application of knowledge acquired though practice.
Implementation of a training programme or delivery is a real challenge calling for quick inventiveness, oratorical skill and proper handling of training devices and methodology to create a learning event. Lecture method traditionally followed has been considered to be the worst method being dull, indirect, non-involving and incapable of enhancing attention span. Exercises, group activities, role playing and other participative methods are far more powerful not only to induce skills but also to impart knowledge with simultaneous enhancement of listening and thinking skill.
Skill development is an important aspect of human resource development. Different types of skill consist of acting, reacting, interacting and thinking skill. Professional thinking particularly lateral thinking is as good as any other skill and can be developed through practice and training. All the aforesaid skills need to be periodically sharpened, developed and applied as a safeguard against developing semiconscious incompetence which is very often covered with authoritative arrogance by conventional managers.
Giving and obtaining requisite feedback is very much a part of human resource development. In fact HRD is largely dependent on proper feedback system. The conventional performance appraisal system generally adopted is a poor substitute for the same.
During the past two decades or so there has been sea change in various aspects of training India has tremendously developed in training area at par with far advanced countries and is now extending help to various developing countries for their civil servants in developing training need analysis, direct trainers' skill, designing of a training course, evaluation of training, transfer of learning in job etc.
Unfortunately, diehard adherence to conventionalism, resistance to change and age-old neglectful attitude to human resource development invariably obstruct acceptance of systematic approach to training and HRD and the adverse effects are evident everywhere. Time has come when development agenda of any country should adequately cover various aspects of the human resource development mechanisms as well.
The writer is a columnist & HRD consultant
Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
Published by the Editor on behalf of Independent Publications Limited at Media Printers, 446/H, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1215.
Editorial, News & Commercial Offices : Beximco Media Complex, 149-150 Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh. GPO Box No. 934, Dhaka-1000.
Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
Published by the Editor on behalf of Independent Publications Limited at Media Printers, 446/H, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1215.
Editorial, News & Commercial Offices : Beximco Media Complex, 149-150 Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh. GPO Box No. 934, Dhaka-1000.
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