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22 February, 2017 00:00 00 AM

Food security

Food security

Agriculture experts and environmentalists underscored the need of adaptation to global climate change and its adverse impacts on the agriculture sector, according to a report in this newspaper on Monday. This must get maximum priority in every country to keep agro-production increasing for food security. Climate change is a global reality. Its adverse impact is being felt throughout the world, including Bangladesh.  Bangladesh is one of most vulnerable countries in the world to the adverse impacts of climate change although it has very little contribution to global warming.
Food production in the country has increased phenomenally over the past few years. Population explosion and the shrinkage of arable lands could not leave any adverse impact on the food production in the country. Untiring   efforts by farmers and others concerned and the modern method of food cultivation have contributed to this glaring success. But there is no room for expressing complacency. Food production should be increased further for meeting the requirements.
It is heartening that Bangladesh has made some meaningful efforts to minimize the adverse impact of climate change. Apart from government initiatives, all stakeholders, including environmentalists, conscious people   and NGOs should put in their utmost efforts to minimize the adverse impact of climate change. Use of fossil fuel, turning to use of green energy, controlling pollution from industrial units, emission of carbon gas, protection of trees and forests can help a lot in this regard.   
Each person should be imbued with the zeal to produce more food to feed the growing population. The government should identify the problems facing the farmers and try to solve those with due emphasis. Many farmers have to borrow money from moneylenders at high rate of interest. As a result, the cost of production of rice goes up. What is disappointing for the growers is that they do not get the due price of their produced rice. If the growers lose interest in growing rice it will leave an adverse impact on the country’s overall food production.
The present government has done a lot for the improvement of the farmer’s condition but it more should be done. Farmers should be provided with bank loans on easy terms and conditions. Besides, they should be supplied with agricultural inputs like improved seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. They should also be imparted training on the modern method of cultivation. Field officers of the agriculture department can monitor and supervise the activities of farmers.



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Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman

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Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
Published by the Editor on behalf of Independent Publications Limited at Media Printers, 446/H, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1215.
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