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30 December, 2016 00:00 00 AM / LAST MODIFIED: 31 December, 2016 12:39:01 AM

Education: Flashback 2016 and looking forward

Rasheda K Choudhury, K M Enamul Hoque, Md. Mostafizur Rahaman

2016 was eventful in terms of educational attainment in Bangladesh. After the end of EFA and MDGs era number of initiatives have been taken at home and abroad. Significant achievement was made, particularly in gross and net enrolment and gender parity in education. However, there were some unfinished agenda as well. Based on past progress and challenges the international community has agreed on a new development agenda namely Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030. The fourth goal of SDG is to ‘Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all’ which is also known as SDG4 or Education 2030. Government of Bangladesh was highly engaged in planning for meeting the new targets aligning with national vision, policies and priorities. Besides visible progress there were challenges like low allocation for education, quality of education, high-stake exams in early grades, skills development and reaching the ‘hard to reach’ population.

Bangladesh has achieved gender parity for educational access in both primary and secondary education. Commitment of the government to achieve the SDGs has been reflected in 
different national plans including Vision 2021, Perspective Plan 2010-2021 and the 7thFYP 2016-20. However, the year 2016 should be considered remarkable as the government has taken several initiatives for education that included finalising the draft of a comprehensive Education Act, expansion of primary education up to grade VIII, preparation for Post Third Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP3), initiating SWAp for secondary education, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and non-formal education, among others.
Advocacy from different civil society groups has been continuing for more than a decade for increase of education allocation up to 20% of national budget or 6% of GDP in National Budget (although the international community set a lower target in Education 2030 which is 15%-20% of national budget or 4%-6% of GDP). But in reality, the allocation for education, in terms of percentage was going down every year compared to the national budget. Though the absolute amount of allocation was increasing in Taka, it was inadequate to meet the requirements to ensure quality education. However, in a welcome move government has allocated increased budget of around 50 thousand crore Bangladeshi currency for education that is 14.39% of total national budget (2016-17) and 2.49% of GDP. This figure is 32% higher than the last fiscal year allocation. 
Examination and testing are integral parts of education systems. Historically, Bangladesh had two public examinations, one after completion of 10 years of schooling and the other at the end of 12 years. Two new national/public examinations (high-stake examination) were introduced in 2009 namely Primary Education Completion Examination (PECE) which is also known as Primary School Certificate (PSC) and Junior Secondary Certificate (JSC) – one at the end of grade V and the other at the end of grade VIII. However, concerns have been raised about the examination that happens at the end of grade V for children aged 10 years only. The way this examination is conducted, its use and consequences for children are part of the concerns. In response to the concerns, the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education announced abolishing the PECE this year and sent the proposal to Cabinet for consideration. But the Cabinet declined the proposal and kept the provision of primary terminal examinations for fifth grade students for this year. As mentioned in the National Education Policy 2010 this year government formally announced the expansion of primary education up to class VIII and the responsibility to be taken by the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education. It was a welcome move and a bold step towards implementation of National Education Policy 2010. But the justification of the continuation of PECE is beyond comprehension when such exam puts huge pressure on our innocent kids who are supposed to study in a joyful learning environment.
Among the initiatives taken by the government draft Education Act has been much discussed and criticized as well. The draft act was placed for comments and feedback from people early this year. But towards the end of the year it became evident that guidebook, coaching and private tuition were given legitimacy in the draft act in the name of ‘shadow education’. If such provision is further legalized, teaching-learning process inside the classroom will be meaningless. It will undermine quality of education and will hamper creativity of our learners.
Though great improvements in education have been visible in Bangladesh, quality of education has remained as the major challenge. A recent study of Education Watch showed that progress is being made in various levels of literacy with a very slow pace of 0.7% annually. Literacy rate among 11+ years of age group is only 51.3%. 32% of children could not attain literacy even after completing grade V.
Bangladesh experienced the ever most heinous incidence this year in the name of promoting religion in a restaurant in Dhaka by an armed group of 7 young attackers. This occurrence took the lives of 29 people, including 20 hostages (18 foreigners and 2 locals). All of the attackers were also killed during the rescue operation conducted by the law enforcement agencies. A major concern has been raised regarding the fact that all the attackers were educated young people of Bangladesh. Our youth is getting engaged in violent extremism. Many of them got missing. Though their number may be negligible, it has raised a serious question that our education somehow cannot keep our young people away from getting engaged with terrorism. 
However, people in general want the government to overcome all limitations in our education sector to protect right to education. It is the high time that the government should develop a roadmap for smooth implementation of National Education Policy 2010. The proposed Education Act 2016 should be enacted by excluding ant-learner clauses about guidebooks, coaching and private tuition. Our children must not suffer from undue pressure of high-stake exams like PECE which will be in line with the verdict of the Supreme Court to reduce weight of children’s school materials. In order to ensure ‘quality education for all’ and achieve Education 2030, financing could play vital role. Further attention of the government to keep up the new trend of increased allocation for education ensuring transparency, efficiency and effective utilization of the allocated resources can bring in desired results. Strong political commitment combined with pro-learner policies and appropriate strategies is what’s needed now.



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Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman

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Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
Published by the Editor on behalf of Independent Publications Limited at Media Printers, 446/H, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1215.
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