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1 December, 2016 00:00 00 AM

UGC to take steps against pvt varsities without VCs

UGC to take steps against pvt varsities without VCs

The University Grants Commission (UGC) would send recommendations to the education ministry to take steps against the authorities of those private universities where no vice-chancellor has been appointed by the president for a long time.
Pointing out that a VC plays a vital role in every university, the UGC observed that the absence of a VC legally appointed by the President casts doubts on the university’s transparency and accountability. 
The commission observed that unwillingness on the part of the authorities of the private universities was primarily responsible for the delay in appointment of VCs at these institutions of higher education. 
At present, no less than 38 private universities are operating without any VC appointed by the President, who is also the chancellor of these universities. 
According to the Private University Act, 2010, the vice-chancellor is the chief executive and academic officer of the university, and he/she would be responsible for the implementation of the decision of the institution’s syndicate and board of trustees.
Sources in the UGC explained that the accountability and transparency of the university were not ensured unless a valid VC was appointed by the President, as the VC holds an important position in the university. 
The UGC recently issued a circular saying that 18 universities were operating without any vice-chancellor, pro-vice-chancellor and treasurer, appointed by the President, for different durations. 
It noted that these universities included: Asian University of Bangladesh since 2009, the People’s University of Bangladesh since April 2016, Premier University since 2014, IBAIS University since 2012, University of South Asia since January 2016, Royal University since 2009, East Delta University since 2013 and German University of Bangladesh since March 2016. 
According to the Act, the board of trustees of each private university would send a panel proposal of three qualified persons to the President for appointment as vice-chancellor. 
With regard to the qualification of the VC’s appointment, the Act said the person should have first-class or equivalent graduate and postgraduate degrees or PhD degree and an experience of 10 years in teaching, including research, from any recognised university, or experience of 20 years in administrative activities.  A UGC source said the authorities of the private universities have showed reluctance to send proposals for the appointment of VCs. 

In most cases, the authorities of the private university concerned propose the names of three persons in a panel for the appointment of a VC, but place the name of only one person with full qualifications, not the other two. Their intention is that the person of their choice would be picked up by the President while making the selection from the trio, the UGC observed. 
Such intentions create problems in the selection of the right person as the VC of the university. Even the age limit for such a person, who would be VC, is over 70, which is not desirable, the UGC noted.
UGC deputy director Jesmin Pervin said, “We want qualified persons to be selected as VCs, but sometimes the university authorities want VCs of their choice.” 
She also said the process of the appointment of VCs should be expedited so that the universities can get VCs soon. 
“We complete all necessary assessments of the panel proposal for the appointment of the VC. Then we send it to the education ministry for further steps. We hope the university authorities would send their panel proposals with full qualifications so that the right persons can be selected,” she added. 
Meanwhile, UGC sources said only five universities out of 38—such as BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology, Ishakha International University, Primeasia University and Manarat International University—have sent panel proposals to appoint VCs. 
On the other hand, two VCs appointed by the President (at North Western University and Bangladesh University) have not joined the universities citing personal grounds, said the authorities of these universities. 
Shahidul Islam, registrar of North Western University, said the President had appointed a VC for their university, but he did not join for personal reasons. “A VC was appointed for our university. He was the dean of the faculty of Business Studies at Dhaka University, Prof. Shibli Rubayat Ul Islam. But he did not join on personal grounds,” he added. 
He also said they are scheduled to hold a meeting of the board of trustees on Friday to send a panel proposal for a new VC. 
Niaz Mohammad Khan, registrar of Bangladesh University, said their university is being run by an acting vice-chancellor right now, though a VC had indeed been appointed by the President. 
“The person who was appointed by the President did not join as VC on personal grounds. Currently, an acting VC—whose name was also in the panel list—is running the show,” he added. 
However, some universities have made preparations to send panel proposals for the appointment of their respective VCs. 
Nasrut Abza Chowdhury, registrar of Sylhet International University, said the tenure of its VC ended last July, adding that they would soon send a panel proposal to the ministry for the appointment of a VC. “We don’t have any VC right now. The treasurer is currently carrying out routine work. We will send a panel proposal soon for the appointment of a VC,” she said. 
UGC chairman Prof. Abdul Mannan said, “A VC is an important person in a university. If no VC is appointed by the President, it raises questions about the transparency and accountability of the university.” 
“Some of the universities have recently sent panel proposals for the appointment of VCs. We hope others would send in theirs as well. We will send recommendations to the education ministry soon to take steps against those universities that have not sent proposals for the appointment of VCs,” he said.


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