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6 November, 2016 00:00 00 AM

Where are truth and decency in the American election?

These elections show that the century-old American democracy is losing its base of truth and decency
Abdul Gaffar choudhury
Where are truth and decency in the American election?

After becoming a super power when Soviet Union suddenly collap­sed many observers commented that socialism has lost its utility and viability. Some observers did not agree with this observation. They said that socialism did not collapse but one form of it has collapsed because it could not move forward and keep pace with the changing times. Even the Soviet government started playing hide and seek game with the people. They did not let people know about the terrible destruction in Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant or the defeat of Red army in the Afghan war. 

When Gorbachev came to power and realized that his leadership could not save the Soviet system he surrendered to the rival super power to salvage himself. America took the full advantage of Gorbachev's weakness and overtly and covertly started interfering in Soviet system. With American financial and political help Yeltsin, the stooge of America ousted Gorbachev and captured the power. Under Yeltsin Soviet Union collapsed and disintegrated. For some time a super power like Soviet Union became almost a satellite country of America. Then Putin came to power and the Russian scenario gradually changed.
Karl Marx once said, 'History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce'. We have seen that tragedy in the collapse of Soviet Union. Now that history is perhaps repeating in America as farce. Even a few years ago it was unthinkable that two most controversial figures-Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump could contest for American presidency which will create fear and anxiety throughout the world. This election is not based on political program but on personal vilification against each other. Truth has no more any place in the present political rivalry. 
Hillary has a controversial past. She was accused of helping the creation of IS in the Middle-east, and recently the FBI's accusation against her email server controversy has affected her chance of victory. On the other hand, Donald Trump has created hatred against him among a large section of the general public for his utterances against women, blacks and Muslims. His sex scandals has dampened his popularity among his large number of supporters. His utterances has created fear about the future of American democracy. He has openly threatened that if he is defeated he will not accept the result. He also threatened his rival to send her to prison if he is elected. This type of threats and utterances are unheard of in the history of the American political life. Perhaps American voters are confused about these two American candidates and thinking who will be less dangerous for democracy and America?
There is another aspect of American election this year. There is accusation that Donald Trump is getting Russian support. There is already news in the media that Putin is trying to manipulate the American presidential election to get Trump elected. Once America was accused of interfering with other country's internal politics including Russia; but now it is vice-versa. Now Russia, though not a super power, has the capacity to interfere in American politics. This is the proof of the decaying nature of a super power who is the leader of global capitalism. 
In my opinion, capitalism is not going to collapse. But Iike socialism of the 20th century it has started decaying in its present form which has expressed itseIf in the recent American politics. Within a few days the world will know whether Hillary or Trump will be the occupant of the White House. Whoever is elected, many people fear that it will neither serve the cause of humanity nor revive the prestige of American presidency which they lost during the election of President George Bush Junior. President Obama tried but failed for his continuous fight with Republican opponents. Now it has been proved that global capitalism which once created great leaders like Roosevelt, Churchill, de Gaulle has failed to produce similar types of leaders. 
The present system of Capitalism is undoubtedly collapsing. How long America or its decaying leadership can hold the world under their influence or dictation is doubtful. The present capitalistic system is incapable of producing leaders who can claim the same status as the past ones and in American politics truth is no more an important factor. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have both violated the decency and decorum of a presidential contest and made it a roadshow of lies and scandal. They degraded not only the election but also the American democracy. 
Angie Drobnic Holan the editor of PolitiFact, America's most prominent, independent, fact checking website, has recently found out that neither the Democratic nor the Republican candidates are truthful. Her observation was published in media which created sensation. The observations are, "Some 24% of Hillary's statements come as true, with 27% as mostly true and 23% as half true (which means that there is some degree of falsehood in the remaining 26%)."  "For the Republican candidate has taken political mendaciousness to its Cubist phase. Only 4% of Trumpisms come out as true, according to PolitiFact's 10 strong team of reporters with the shadow of falsehood falling on 71% of his statements."
One commentator of America said, "The USA election has confirmed it- we live in post truth times." A London Daily on its1st November issue compared the competition of lies between both the Democrat and Republican candidates. The Daily gave some examples. Trump said to Hillary," ...just like when you ran the State department 6 billion dollars were missing. How do you miss 6 billion? You ran the state department. 6 billion was either stolen-they don't know. It's gone." The truth is, 6 billion did not go missing. Trump said, "We don't know anything about Hillary in terms of religion." The truth is Clinton is a Methodist, and everyone knows it. 
The Daily cited the example of the lies of Clinton camp also. Hillary said that FBI director James Comey's letter about new developments relating to her email server was only sent to Republicans. The truth is both Republican and Democratic members of the House and Senate received this letter. Hillary said, "Every piece of legislation, just about, that I ever introduced in the USA senate had a Republican co-sponsor." The truth is Clinton introduced a significant amount of legislation without Republican co-sponsors.
These elections show that the century-old American democracy is losing its base of truth and decency. They are degrading a super power to a level of a third world country where democracy and truth are being abused most of the time, though there are exceptions. Who could think before George Bush's election that rigging could take place in American election? This time Trump also complained about election rigging which was proved untrue. 
Whoever is elected as the next American President for the next term, the world has nothing to rejoice. It is a big question whether the next president of America- Hillary or Trump can restore the supremacy and influence of the American democracy in the world. All signs indicate global capitalism is failing.

London, Friday 04 November 2016


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