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23 October, 2016 00:00 00 AM

Age diversity at the workplace

Studies showed that there is a relationship between age and job satisfaction
Sudarshan Kundu
Age diversity at the workplace

Diversity at workplace is one of the prominent issues in today’s world. It is the challenging issue that managers face to manage at the workplace. But it gives the highest output if properly managed. By managing the workplace diversity, companies can increase the overall efficiency that results in higher output. Besides, it enhances the image of the company to become ‘Employers of Choice’. Although high level diversity can be seen in large companies, small companies are also enjoying diversity now days.

 As the population ages the relationship between age and job performance is likely to be the main issue. Employers also have mixed feeling regarding aging employees. Firstly, aging employees can bring some positive qualities in the jobs including commitment to quality, experience, judgment, strong work ethic. But they resist learning new technology and concepts. When the organization is seeking someone who is adaptable and open to change then negative impression goes to the older employees that result in firing from jobs.\
 Employers also think about higher wages, attractive pension plans and longer paid vacations to the aging workforce since they are specialized to certain types of work and longer tenure work experience. In addition, the older an employee is the less likely to switch the jobs and thereby it increases the turnover rate of the company. Older employees tend to avoid the unavoidable absenteeism than younger employees. Though many people think that, productivity of older employees decline overtime due to speed, agility, prolonged job boredom, strength but they are likely to engage in the citizenship 
 Studies showed that there is and relationship between age and job satisfaction. Older employees are more satisfied than that of younger employees in case of work and commitment to the company. If the company’s environment favors the age discrimination, lower level of commitment associated with the company. In this case, managers will reduce the working hours and provide flexible schedules, arrange phased retirement and more training for the older employees for adopting new technology. Besides, companies will provide outsourcing work facilities or distance work facilities to the older employees.
 Age diversity will create new challenges for professionals since there is a potential age difference between younger and older employee. With the change in technology, the older employee will be seen “lacking flexibility and resisting new technology.” Professionals in the past have targeted certain demographic groups, such as older generations, in order to develop a more diverse work environment. Therefore, Top level professionals need to find the method that help older generations to adopt new concepts.
 Moreover, companies will find the way to balance motivation in the workplace because what motivates a younger person cannot necessarily motivate an older person. For this reason, there is a need to form cohesive workplace by bridging the gap between the older and younger workers. Changes in organization including job design, working hours, and leadership styles are the main challenges for the professionals.
 In contrast, younger employees are more concerned about learning and adapting new ideas to boost their career. But, higher turnover rate and less commitment encourage the employers to depend on the aging employees. In spite of these obstacles, if both are eager to learn and share experiences, it will create a dynamic business environment.    
 According to Lawrence Herzog of HCareers, professional face challenges when new employees from diverse backgrounds interact with older employees. And there is a challenge of molding new employees and 
older employees into a cooperative team.
Organizations can cope with the changing workforce through its communication techniques as they observe the differences in work, attitude, and behavior brought by older work force. And, they must be prepared to make organizational changes to accommodate the differences productively. There are difference strategies that organizations can use to cope up with age discrimination in the workplace. They can implement strategies that place older people in positions best suited to their ability stereotyping them, find ways to make technology friendlier to older people, ensure the reward system that is based on performance and not on tenure, motivate younger employees to work together with older employees and incorporating ‘Teamwork’ within organization.  
However, organizations can create an environment where both generation employees can share their ideas and can work as a team. Younger employees can assist older employees by sharing new ideas whereas older employees can share positive qualities including experience, judgment, strong work ethic and commitment to quality. By this way, it is possible to reduce age discrimination in the workplace. But the main role will be played by organization by maintaining the good relationship between them. 
Finally, policy development by ensuring fairness in the organization culture can bridge the gap between older and younger in the modern world. Since both types of employees are required at the organization to maintain the balance of work. And policy incorporation can also ensure dynamic work environment that result in overall growth of the company. These can be equal opportunity policy, Pair employees of different ages in a team, Delegation of work and sharing unique knowledge and skills to develop younger employees, Performance appraisal based on experience and dynamism, Fire an employee on the basis of his performance not on age and teamwork environment.
The writer is an HR Professional


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