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2 July, 2015 00:00 00 AM

Lifted up..!


My daughter called me yesterday from New York where she lives, “Daddy!”  “Yes my child!” I said.
“Do you remember lifting me up? Over those monsters I was so scared off?”
“Monsters?” I laugh into the phone, “They were only the sound of trains my child. Locomotives that made a loud noise, belched smoke those days, and lumbered along, with their goods.”
“But they were monsters to me dad, and I was so scared of them. Do you remember dad?”
I laugh and reply, “Oh yes I do my child”.
“It was an old railway bridge dad, and had wooden boards above the railway tracks. If you looked down through the boards you saw monsters belching smoke rushing by. You held my hand as we climbed the steps of the bridge and then I looked down”
“And you were afraid!”
“Yes dad, to my five year old mind, those were dragons and lions and tigers in a jungle below. I remember I stopped and you said..”
“Come on my child, I’m holding your hand.”
“But I’m afraid dad! I’m frightened! Those monsters below, they’ll get me!”
“Don’t look down my child. Come on walk with me!”
“No dad I can’t. You go I’ll stay here. And then I thought you’d laugh dad. I thought you’d give that hearty guffaw of yours, and I waited for you to tell me how silly I was, but you didn’t. You didn’t. You just bent down and before I could scream or shout or cry out, you had lifted me up!”
“You were so light, so feather weight!”
“You scooped me up threw me on your broad shoulders and we walked across. And from the top of your shoulders I looked down dad. I stared through those cracks in the boards and do you know what I did dad? I winked at those trains, and said, “You can’t do anything now, I’m with someone stronger than you all”
“Stronger then those trains! Me?”
We both laugh together as my daughter continues, “The other day dad I was afraid. Alone at home, because my husband hadn’t come home yet since he was working late, and I thought I heard a door squeak and the howling of the wind outside. It was like those monsters under the bridge.”
“And you were afraid?” I ask.
“And suddenly I smiled dad. I remembered you lifting me up. I remembered winking at those monsters, and I knew I was not afraid. You know something dad?”
“What my child?”
“It was only once you lifted me over the bridge, but that once helps me face my fears today, over and over again. All children need a father dad..!”

[email protected]­



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Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman

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Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
Published by the Editor on behalf of Independent Publications Limited at Media Printers, 446/H, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1215.
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