Nowadays different social media are full of people posting syrupy sentimental views on Oishee and demanding that the girl who bumped off her parents in a premeditated cold blooded manner should not be given capital punishment. They are citing age as a reason. Some getting completely carried away are saying this “phuler moto nishpap” (innocent as a flower) should be treated with mercy. Well first of all I fail to understand how a flower can be a sinner or virtuous. And the only flower I can equate with Oishee is the poisonous ‘dhatura’ flower.
On a different note some of these expressions never fail to amuse me. “Cool as a cucumber” is used to describe someone who is always calm and collected, even when there is turmoil all around. Why is this particular vegetable cool while say an aubergine is not? “Fit as a fiddle” is used to describe an athletic person with a flexible yet strong physique. Now how can an inanimate object be fit or unfit?
Let’s come back to the issue at hand. One of the leading poets of Bangladesh too has joined the bandwagon of the ‘Save Oishee” brigade. This eccentric man recently first begged and then launched a one man movement to get the prestigious Swadhinata Padak. Having been successful in this endeavour has perhaps inspired to take up different causes.
Decades back as, in my mid-teens I saw this poet-cum-goon, with some of his acolytes, almost assaulted the late and lamented Dr. Humayun Azad. The reason was Azad was saying something about Kazi Nazrul Islam which annoyed the man. So his eccentricity and fragile psyche is well known. However people from different walks of like are behaving like pseudo intellectuals and amateur psychologists and trying desperately to convince the rest of us that a grave injustice would be committed if Oishee is hanged.
Let’s get serious for a moment. In the Holy Bible it is written Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise), “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.”
I must say I was surprised, actually flabbergasted would be a better word, seeing this wave of sympathy for a murderer–and not any murderer, the killer of both her parents. She did not commit the murders in a sudden fit of anger. All evidence shows that the murders were premeditated and done in cold blood. She heavily sedated them and killed them when they were in deep slumber, least expecting that their progeny, their own flesh and blood would mercilessly kill them. There is no question that Oishee was a yaba addict. And indeed yaba addicts can be violent and even murders. But in almost all such cases those fits of violence are sudden, impulsive acts. It is true that drugs like yaba can lead to hallucinations, paranoia, or loss of inhibitions, which may lead to violence. But many drugs do not, and drug use alone does not indicate a motivation for murder. Oishee’s brain many believe was drug addled but still powerful enough for her to plan the brutal murders of her parents. Initially at least we saw little sign of remorse from the girl. After the recent verdict the media published pictures of Oishee weeping. But whether she is feeling true remorse or being simply afraid of the hangman’s noose is a question only she can answer.
Many of those defending her saying that she is virtually a kid and drug dealers are the ones who should be punished first. Well, how naïve can you get? She was old enough to vote. In my book at least if you are old enough to take part in the process of electing your country’s leaders you are old enough to take responsibilities for your actions. And almost everyday we see reports of drug dealers being caught and punished. There exists laws against drug peddling and many are punished strictly under the provision of those laws. It is safe to say that there are millions of drug abusers who are around Oishee’s age. But we have seen only a few cases of them killing their parent/s and as mentioned earlier all of the murders were committed in fits of sudden violent rage. And I, at least, don’t remember hearing about anyone killing both parents in a pre-planned and callous manner.
These bleeding heart liberals who are expressing their sympathy for this girl are in a way supporting her actions which were beyond outrageous. They also apparently have forgotten that Oishee’s verdict came through a proper judicial process. She had ample opportunity to defend herself.
No judge ever gives the death penalty lightly. It was proven beyond any reasonable doubt that it was she who killed her parents. Their ‘fault’ was they did not approve of her lifestyle, which by all evidence was scandalous. There is no proof that she was physically abused by her parents.
As a matter of Oishee Rahman is not uderaged fact so many are claiming. Immediately after arresting her, the police had come under strong criticism for taking in remand an 'underage' Oishee, whose school documents showed she was below 18.
That led to Oishee's medical examination to ascertain her age. Following a court order, doctors at the Dhaka Medical College and Hospital tested Oishee and said she was 19 years old. It has been proven that Oishee was not only 19 years old at the time of murder she was not in an intoxicated state on that day either.
Be that as it may, it is time that we hold youngsters responsible for their actions. We cannot pardon a killer just because they were technically minors. We are seeing more and more young people commit serious, sordid, and sadistic crimes. As families, homes, and values are imploding, a subculture of juvenile criminals has developed. Many so-called juveniles now are vindictive, vicious, and violent criminals. These people must no longer have a free ride until age 18. They must get the message that they will be held accountable for their actions with their names and photos published in the media, and their record following them if they continue into adult crime. Studies show that a juvenile’s crime record is one of the most valid predictors of repeat adult crime. Young people must learn that justice will be swift, sure, and severe in the courts if not at home and school. Personal accountability must be the reality from now on. Youngsters like adults, commit crimes because they choose to do so. And they must be held accountable. When young criminals kill and rape, they should be treated like adults, even executing them! These days it seems many of us are horrified at that thought. However if capital punishment can be defended (and indeed it can be) then who is to say one must be of a certain age? If a 16-year-old commits a vicious murder, who says he should not pay with his life? Many young criminals think that they can get away with murder and they will continue to believe that until some do face the music.
There are people that think that just a few jail years will just scare the teens, and hopefully they’ll take pity and change, are up for a very rude awakening. It is actually worse to put them in jail because all it will do is make them even more vengeful and blood thirsty. Yes it will be sad to see a person die at a young age but it is better than watching a murderer live and not pay for his/her actions.
Even if only a minuscule percentage of teenagers in the 16-18 age group are rapists-murderers, the problem needs to be addressed properly. Approximately every second person in this country is less than 30 years of age today. This means increasing crime among teenagers, especially murders and sexual crimes. They must face justice. Justice must not only be seen to be done but must also be actually done. And speedily as well.
It is criminals like Oishee who are living proof of the necessity of capital punishment. Capital punishment permanently removes the worst criminals like this girl from the society and should prove much safer for the rest of us than long term or permanent incarceration. It is self evident that dead criminals cannot commit any further crimes, either within prison or after escaping or after being released from it. One who has committed parricide, if left alone will remain a permanent threat to the society and therefore must be eliminated. There should be no distinction between adults and young criminals when it comes to murder. Both deserve the strictest punishment. Strictly in this writer’s personal opinion the current juvenile justice act needed to be radically changed. While trying a person aged between 16 and 18 involved in rape or murder, the courts could decide whether he should be sent to an observation center or be tried in a regular court. A judge percentage of rapes and murders are committed by teenagers, who know they can get away with it. In pre-meditated murders and rape, we should bring the offenders to adult courts. It will discourage the juvenile criminals. And in any case Oishee Rahman was an adult and in sound physical health.
The writer is Assistant Editor of The Independent and can be contacted at: [email protected]
Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
Published by the Editor on behalf of Independent Publications Limited at Media Printers, 446/H, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1215.
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Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
Published by the Editor on behalf of Independent Publications Limited at Media Printers, 446/H, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1215.
Editorial, News & Commercial Offices : Beximco Media Complex, 149-150 Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh. GPO Box No. 934, Dhaka-1000.