The term ‘terrorism’ covers a great diversity of groups with different origins, purposes, targets as well as different causes. Most of the scholars agree that terrorism is a set of methods and strategies of combat rather than an identifiable ideology or movement and that terrorism involves a premeditated use of violence against non-combatants in order to achieve a psychological effect of fear on others than the immediate targets. In our country, terrorism has become an alarming issue now- a- days. On 1 July last at night there was a nightmarish terror attack at Gulshan area in Dhaka city, which made us totally speechless.
People of the whole country were in a fix for a few moments about what is going on because this type of attack never happened in our country before. Around 35-40 people were made hostages of a gruesome gun attack in a restaurant and nearly 22 innocent people were killed and most of them were foreigners. Five gunmen who were shot dead by members of the security forces were Bangladeshi nationals. This brief write-up would like to analyze the present scenario of Bangladesh regarding terrorism and its causes, consequences, and some recommendations which may be very crucial to maintain peace and avoiding terrorism in our country.
Though our government has done a good job in facing the recent terror attack yet this tragic event proves how vulnerable we are to terrorist attacks as it took place in a diplomatic area of the country where the security system is very stringent especially after Italian national Caesar Tavella was killed last year. To avoid this immense threat, it is high time for us to take necessary steps. Only government is not enough to tackle this issue. We ourselves have to be aware of the signs of this threat and its purpose and causes. Those attackers were suspected to be Bangladeshi and university students aged 20-28 according to incoming reports. If all these happen to be true, then we must say that family members of those accused may have ignored some valuable signs of them which may be the reason of today’s unfortunate result. Some suspicious signs of terrorism of which every family member must have to keep in mind about not only their children but also in every sphere of their lives such as at home, at work, at travelling etc in present situation are like-
• Recording or monitoring activities- Someone is taking pictures randomly of any secured or unauthorized areas or drawing diagrams of security equipments.
• Missing- If your children are missing for a long time which happened in this recent terror attack in Dhaka. Most of them were missing for a certain period of time.
• Change in behaviour- Suddenly, a change in their behaviour which is unexpected.
• Isolationism- Suddenly, they isolate themselves from family and friends.
• Suspicious questioning- Attempts to gain information about a secured sectors.
• Neighbouring issue- For a certain period of time you observe that your neighbour is behaving a bit uncomfortable which does not match a normal person’s daily routine.
• Funding- Unusual huge cash transaction or exchange of money. The bank authorities have to be aware of this sign.
• Engagement in social media- Now-a-days , as social media has become an important tool of communication, ‘Facebook profile’ or other social apps often indicate their true identity and relevance with terrorism. This can be a useful sign of terrorism.
So, whoever has witnessed these type of symptoms regarding anyone must call for urgent help to the police authority of our country for his own safety as well as for the security of his country.
If we dig deep to find out the cause of this violence, even a few days ago it was the common perception that people who are usually poor and underprivileged, join in this group to sacrifice their lives or to lead a better life for a certain period. But the Holey Artisan (restaurant) attack has proved this conception wrong, as all of the attackers were from well-established families. The root cause of terrorism is lack of proper knowledge. Most of the terrorists who also claim them as jihadists used to believe or maybe they are brainwashed in such a way to believe that they will go to heaven by killing these innocent people in the name of religion. But in this case, they totally misunderstand the theme of jihad. Again regarding recent shocking incident, all of them were university students, matured and from well established families.
It has become a crucial duty for the parents to look after their children. They are the most responsible persons to raise their sons in a good manner and must give them proper knowledge about religion. If all the terrorists would know the proper meaning of jihad and have proper knowledge about their religion, may be this day would not come to us.
According to some news portal one of our respected government ministers once made a comment regarding terrorism that terrorists are related to private universities not madrasas. But if we observe from a bigger perspective, we must work very strategically to prevent terrorism. As mentioned above in the definition of terrorism ‘ideology’ is the most concerning point to prevent terrorism. There is a saying people cannot kill an idea. Well, this can be used both in good or bad ways. Unfortunately this ideology has become the most dangerous threat in our country now. Many Taliban leaders have been killed, but their ideology is still carried by other militants. Similarly, many have been killed of the leading groups like Al-Qaeda, Al-Badar, JMB(Jamaatul Mujahidin Bangladesh), ABT (Ansarullah Bangla Team), ISIS and so many international terror outfits who claimed themselves as jihadists and killed innocent people but their ideology is still carried on by their followers.
It is them to blame who are operating this evil network throughout our country and ruining innocent lives of our youth by engaging them in terrorism. Rather targeting on private universities or madrasa or any other institutions, it is high time to protect our young generation from this emerging threat. Being a private university student, I am not trying to defend anything at all rather want to focus on the root of terrorism.
In this vulnerable situation, government has to ensure its citizens’ right of personal life and liberty and security of life. For this, government should review its security planning and make an ample research to improve it urgently. The Friday night attack has jolted us into awareness of new dangers and may be this is not the end.
More upcoming existential threats may be confronting us on our doorstep. A badly traumatized Bangladesh needs to be put back on the summit of stability. Lastly I would like to end here with a famous quote of Bruce Schneier, an American cryptographer and writer-“Terrorism isn't a crime against people or property. It's a crime against our minds, using the death of innocents and destruction of property to make us fearful.”
The writer is a final year L.L.B student of BRAC University
Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
Published by the Editor on behalf of Independent Publications Limited at Media Printers, 446/H, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1215.
Editorial, News & Commercial Offices : Beximco Media Complex, 149-150 Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh. GPO Box No. 934, Dhaka-1000.
Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
Published by the Editor on behalf of Independent Publications Limited at Media Printers, 446/H, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1215.
Editorial, News & Commercial Offices : Beximco Media Complex, 149-150 Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh. GPO Box No. 934, Dhaka-1000.
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