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25 July, 2016 00:00 00 AM

Boron: boosts bone density and much more

Boron: boosts bone density and much more

Boron is an important, and often underutilized, trace mineral naturally present in certain foods and also within the environment. Boron may not sound like the most interesting thing in the world. But it’s been touted as a miracle treatment for a brain and frail bones.
Boron uses include the ability to help keep the skeletal structure strong by adding to bone density, preventing osteoporosis, treating conditions like arthritis, and improving strength and muscle mass.
Boron is used by many athletes and bodybuilders because it’s believed to increase the body’s ability to produce and use testosterone, so it’s beneficial for recovering from exercise, preventing aches and pains, building muscle mass, and keeping bones strong. Boron is linked to improved brain function in some instances since it helps boost concentration, focus and the ability to learn new information.

What are some other boron uses?
Osteoporosis and weak or broken bones
Low concentration or “brain fog”
Poor memory
Signs of aging on the skin
Worsened menopausal and PMS symptoms
Weak muscles
Stomach and digestive parasites
Candida infection and yeast infections
Eye infections

How Do We Get Enough Boron?
Boron is naturally found in many whole foods, especially beans, nuts, whole grains and avocados, as well as fruits like berries, plums, oranges and grapes. It’s also found in water to some degree, although we get most of our boron from our diets.
Recommended Daily Intake of Boron
Person’s typically daily diet contains 1.5 to 3 milligram (mg) of boron.
The upper limits for boron depend on your age and gender and are as follows:

1–3 years: 3 milligrams/day
4–8 years: 6 milligrams/day
9–13 years: 11 milligrams/day
14–18 years: 17 milligrams/day
Adults 19–50 years: 20 milligrams/day
Pregnant women : 17–20 milligrams/day
Women who are breastfeeding: 20–25 milligrams/day

8 BORON Health Benefits
Naturally Remedies Arthritis
Boron plays an important role in intergrading calcium into the joint’s cartilage, which helps prevent joint deterioration and worsened arthritis pain. Research shows that people with lower boron concentration in their bones and synovial fluid experience higher rates of arthritis than those higher level.

Strengthens Bones
Boron used also include the ability to prevent bone loss by facilitating calcium, the main mineral involved in bone mineralization, directly into the bones where it helps prevents form developing.

Promotes Healthy Muscle Mass
Certain vitamins and minerals are better absorbed and better absorbed and utilized by the body when boron level are higher, which is important for building muscle, fat-burning and preventing pain by recovering muscle-tissue tears following exercise. And because boron promotes healthy testosterone production, it might lead to higher energy levels and quicker strength gains.

Balance Hormones
As a mineral that balances levels of sex hormones in both woman and men, including
estrogen   and testosterone, boron is useful for reducing PMS and menopause symptoms as well as increasing fertility.
Increases Concentration and Brain Function
Research shows low levels of boron can contribute to a sluggish brain, poor cognitive development, and trouble learning or retaining information. Boron
Is often thought of as a “brain nutrient” because it helps with task  performance better motor control attention and short term memory.
Prevents and Treats Yeast Infections
Heals Skin and Prevents Infections
Fights Diabetes

Are Boron supplement safe?
Boron is widely recognized as being very safe for consumption humans Of course, like with all nutrients, very high levels can also cause potential problems.
Boron toxicity isn’t a risk when consuming whole foods, but taking high doses of supplements can potentially become dangerous and cause reactions like nausea, gastric discomfort, vomiting, diarrhoea, skin problems, heart palpitations, anxiety and
The National Institute of Health also warns consumers   that boron supplements can be harmful to people with hormone-sensitive conditions like breast or prostate cancer, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids since it can increase estrogen levels.
People with existing cases of kidney disease or liver disease should also use boron supplements very carefully. As always, it’s best to get boron (and all other vitamins nd minerals) from real whole foods whenever possible as opposed to supplements.



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Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman

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Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
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