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Types and classification of drugs

Types and classification of drugs

Also called: "H," "Horse," "Junk," "Hard Stuff," 'White Stuff," "Smack/' "Seag."

What is Heroin?
It's a drug that comes from the Opium Poppy.
Legal Classification-Narcotic. Technically, Heroin is Diacetylmorphine-it's made from morphine. It's a Depressant (slows down body processes). It's a white, off-white, or brown powder.

Medical use-none
How Abused- May be cooked into a solution, then injected into a vein or the skin-also taken orally or inhaled.
How does Heroin work?
In a few seconds after a shot, face flushes, pupils constrict and there's a tingling in the abdomen leading to a feeling that everything's fine-I'm "Fixed".
Later feels drowsy.....
- drifting off
- dry-dreaming
- waking up
- drifting off again
Effects wear off usually in 3 to 4 hours.  

How to spot an addict?
- Dazed, far-off look, or nodding
- Constricted pupils of eyes
- Needle scars on arms or other parts of the body
- Presence of hypo needle, syringe, small glassine heroin bags, burned bottle cap (used to cook heroin)

Why do people abuse Heroin?
To escape from physical or mental problems-and reality-into a dreamy stupor.
For kicks to try something new, to do what others do.

How dangerous is Heroin?
Heroin is addicting, and when "hooked", body requires repeated and larger doses.
Leads to loss of judgement, loss of self-control, mental deterioration, 105s of appetite, and weight, physical deterioration.

Overdoses can cause death.
Withdrawal causes symptoms like severe Influenza - nausea, cramps, chills, sweating, watery eyes and running nose, restless tossing - both painful and dangerous - often a way to spot addiction.
Leads to crime - Heroin is an expensive habit - addicts usually resort to crime to support it.
Beware! Heroin is one of our Worst Enemies - abuse may lead to an almost incurable habit, crime, degeneracy, misery of mind and body.

Other names: "Pot," "Grass," "Weed," "Smoke."

What is Marijuana?
Ifs a substance that comes from the leaves and flowering tops of the Indian Hemp plant (Cannabis Sativa).
Legal Classification - Cannabis. This category includes Hashish and Hashish Oil, both of which come from the Cannabis plant and is similar in use and effects to Marijuana.
How Abused - The flowers and leaves of the plant are dried and chopped into small pieces that are smoked as cigarettes (called "Reefers," "Joints," "Sticks") or in pipes. Also taken orally.
Experimental Use - Though use of Marijuana causes known side effects, it's sometimes used to:
-reduce eye pressure in glaucoma patients
-control side effects in treatment of cancer patients.
This doesn't mean that it's harmless!

How does Marijuana work?
Acts quickly
- in about 15 minutes
- effects last 2 to 4 hours
Physically-it enters the bloodstream, acts on the brain and nervous system.
- lowers body temperature
- stimulates appetite
Marijuana can affect mood, thinking, behaviour and judgement in different ways:
- Depression
- Talkative
- Drowsy
- Impairment of judgement
- Unsteady
- Reduced coordination and reflexes
- Excitement
- Some distortion of time and distance
- Hard to think clearly
In large doses, Marijuana may cause hallucinations - seeing things that are not there.

Why do people abuse Marijuana?
- Because everybody in my group does.
- I was just curious.
- It helps me feel relaxed.
- It helps me forget my problems.
- Because it's easy to get.
- I wanted to get "High".
- and, because Marijuana has the reputation of being relatively harmless in spite of the fact that scientific evidence shows reason for concern about harmful health effects.

How dangerous is it?
Scientific studies show that frequent Marijuana use may-
- damage the lungs
- affect sex hormone levels (especially dangerous for adolescents)
- strain the heart

Also, the user faces
- dangers to self and others because of lack of coordination and slower reflexes - especially when driving a car.
- diversions of energy and money.
- possible psychological dependence.

Marijuana can jeopardize safety of users and others.
While Marijuana is not physically addicting, it may lead to psychological dependence, retard personality growth and adjustment to adulthood, and interrupt education.
Use of Marijuana may expose the user to people pushing stronger drugs.
If arrested, a police record may follow you through life.
Marijuana is never safe!

Other names: "Coke", "Snow," "Flake," "Gold Dust," "Crack."

What is Cocaine?
It's a white powder made from the leaves of the coca bush. It is one of our oldest anaesthetics.
Legal Oassification-Narcotic.
Medical Use - Formerly as a local anaesthetic - but rarely used today.
How Abused - Inhaled, swallowed, injected into veins or smoked in "free-base" form.

How does Cocaine work?
It "deadens" the nerves, especially in the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, throat.
It acts as a stimulant on the central nervous system.

Why do people abuse Cocaine?
For pleasure, thrills, kicks.
For feelings of self-confidence, alertness.
But overdoses-
- may cause hallucinations.
- may affect the spinal cord and cause convulsions.
- may cause respiratory failure and death.
Inhaling may cause ulcerations (open sores) in the nasal cavity.

How dangerous is it?
Users can become dependent on its effects. The body may build a tolerance to Cocaine, requiring larger and larger amounts to produce the same effect.
Stimulation may be followed by severe depression.
Depressed heart and respiratory functions may cause death.
Danger of overdose is greater when "free-based" or injected.
"Crack" or "Rock," a free-base form of Cocaine, is extremely toxic and rapidly causes dependence.

- Cocaine is an addictive drug.
- Generations don't last long - and are often followed by depression, weakness and restlessness.
- Side effects after continued use may include-nausea, delirium, convulsions, fever, diminished vision.
- Physical withdrawal discomforts may be minor. Danger varies according to dosage (usually unknown), form and method by which it's taken.

Other names: "Yellow Jacket," "Red Devil," "Phennie," "Blue Heaven," "Angel Dust:"

What are Depressants?
- They're synthetic drugs which have a depressant action on the central nervous system. Effect similar to tranquilizers.

Names of types of Depressants:
Sedatives-Methaqualone (Quaalude, Soaper, Pares)
Barbiturates-Pentobarbital, (yellow jacket), Secobarbital (red devil), Phenobarbital (phennie), Amobarbital (blue heaven). Tranquilizers-Benzodiazepines (librium, valium), Phencyclidine (P.c.P., Angel Dust)
Legal Classification-
Depressant (Slows down body processes.)
Medical Use-
- Treatment of high blood pressure, epilepsy, insomnia
- Relaxant before and during surgery
- Sedative for use in both mental and physical illness
How used -
Swallowed or injected into veins or smoked, depending on drug.

How do Depressants work?
In normal medical usage -
- Slow heart and respiratory rate
- Lower blood pressure
- Mild depressant action on nerves, skeletal muscles, and heart muscle
But overdoses of Depressants-
Often result in-
- Slurred speech, staggering
- Quick temper
- Drowsiness, drunken appearance, quarrelsome disposition, death
- And when taken with Alcohol, the depressant action of one multiplies the other-confusion, lack of coordination, depression, more chance of death or serious illness.

Why taken?
- to escape boredom, self-consciousness, and sexual inhibitions.

How dangerous are they?
- They are both physically and mentally addictive.
- They can cause organic damage.
- Withdrawal causes extremely severe discomfort with possible convulsions.
- and abrupt withdrawal can cause death.

Depressants distort reality and overdoses are common as users lose count of how many have been taken.
- Strong physical and psychological dependence develops. Withdrawal is slow and difficult.
- Most depressant abusers use drug to avoid tensions and anxieties of daily living - and discover after use that they still have them-plus a "hangover" from the drug itself.

Other names: "Pep Pills," "Dexies," "Bennies," "Ups," "Speed," "Crystal," "Meth."

What are Stimulants?
- They're natural and synthetic drugs which have a strong stimulating action on the central nervous system. They bring a feeling of alertness, self-confidence.
Included are:
- Amphetamines - Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine), Methamphetamine (Methedrine), Amphetamine (Benzedrine).
- Diet pills
- Cocaine - strongest stimulant of natural origin
- Caffeine - in Coffee, Cola, etc.
- Nicotine - in Cigarettes
Legal Classification -
Narcotic (Cocaine), Stimulants (Amphetamines, Diet Pills), No legal classification - Caffeine, Nicotine
Medical use -
- Amphetamines, diet pills - to reduce appetite in weight control programmes.
- Amphetamines - to treat mild depression, fatigue, hyperkinesis, narcolepsy
- Cocaine - as a local anaesthetic
How abused -
Swallowed or injected into veins, smoked, or inhaled, depending on drug.

How do Stimulants work?
In normal medical doses -
- Stimulants speed up body functions by stimulating action of central nervous system.
In overdoses -
Cause excitation - dilated pupils
Insomnia, Diarrhoea
Hallucination and periods of semi-consciousness
Increased blood pressure
Frequent urination

Why do people abuse Stimulants?
For feelings of alertness, self-confidence
For kicks, thrills, to combat boredom
To stay awake or to allow greater physical effort
To counteract effects of Alcohol and Barbiturates

How dangerous are they?  
They can drive user to do things beyond his physical limits.
They can cause mental fatigue, dizziness, feelings of fear and confusion.
Withdrawal can lead to depression and suicidal potential.

Although stimulants may not lead to physical addiction, tolerance is built up by the body so that larger and larger doses are needed to reach the desired results.
Also-since use hides sense of fatigue, user can collapse from exhaustion after use, and the heart and circulatory system may be damaged by the over-production of adrenalin.
The return to "normalcy" after use may bring on strong depression and suicidal tendencies.

Other names: "LSD," "Cubes," "Acid," "STP," "DMT," "Mesc," "PCP," "Angel Dust."

What are Hallucinogens?
They are natural and synthetic drugs which affect the mind, causing distortions in physical senses and mental reactions.
These include L.S.D.
-lysergic acid diethylamide (first synthesized in 1938)
Mescaline - the active ingredient of peyote
D.M.T. - dimethyltryptamine, etc.
P.c.P;, Angel Dust-phencyclidine
Legal Classification - Hallucinogens
Medical use - None. Some experimental use.
How abused -
Internally, in capsules, tablets or on sugar cubes or food; may also be injected.

How do Hallucinogens work?
Nobody knows. Seem to affect levels of certain chemicals in the brain and change the electrical activity of the brain.

What do they do?
Increase pulse and heart rate
Increase blood pressure and temperature
Cause chills, nausea, irregular breathing
Confuse and distort sensory impressions

Why do people abuse them?
For sociability
Seeking religious or philosophical insights

How dangerous are they?
Users experience a variety of moods-sometimes including panic.
Hallucinations may last 8-12 hours and may happen again suddenly to frequent users without additional drugs.
Users may feel strong suicidal urge or have delusions of in vulnerability.
There is some evidence that use of LSD may cause permanent genetic damage.

One danger about the various Hallucinogens is that they are so unpredictable. One "trip" may be good, and another disastrous.
There may be exhilaration and withdrawal from reality, or panic and suicidal feelings.
Normal judgements are distorted, so there's a great danger of bodily injury to self and others.
Effects of taking Acid-a trip-may recur days, weeks or months after initial dose.

i.e., Sniffing glue, gasoline, lighter fluid, paint thinner, varnish, shellac, nail polish remover, aerosol-packaged products, etc.

What are Deliriants?
Any chemicals which give off fumes or vapours which, when inhaled, produce symptoms similar to intoxication.    
Legal Classification - Deliriant - inhalant. (Cause confusion, excitement, hallucinations)
Medical Use - None
Commercial Use - Solvents and cleaners and as part of many consumer products.
How Abused - Inhaled - from moistened cloth, or by placing chemical in plastic bag or container to concentrate fumes.

How do Deliriants work?
May give a feeling of mild intoxication, followed by excitement and exhilaration.
Then - a loss of coordination, distorted perception and extreme confusion.
Hallucinations and convulsions may follow.

Why do people sniff glue?
For "kicks," or to "escape" problems or worries.
They usually don't know how dangerous it is - and the materials are easy to come by.
Use of deliriants may be an early indication of personality problems.

How dangerous are they?
These toxic vapours, never intended to be breathed, cause physical damage to mind and body. Fumes can cause temporary blindness and damage to lungs, brain and liver.
Deaths have occurred from suffocation caused by plastic bags held against the face.
Abusive inhaling of concentrated amounts of aerosol products, may cause sudden death.

Sniffing of glue and other deliriants (1) can cause irreversible damage to lungs, brain cells, liver and bone marrow, (2) can create a mindless state leading to suffocation from use of plastic bags, and (3) often leads to abuse of drugs to get similar effects.
You can avoid drugs and help others to do the same.
Here's How:
Say "No!" if someone offers you any drug! Don't give in to pressure from friends - chances are they don't know how dangerous this drug really is. Tell them also.
Know the facts about drugs. Read about them. Help others learn them, too.
Find healthy alternatives to drug use:
Join a work or school-sponsored team
Learn or improve useful skills such as car repair, basic carpentry and cooking.
Make your free time drug-free!
Set a good example for others by staying away from drugs. Show by your words and your actions that you do not approve of drug abuse of any kind!
Support law enforcement officials, local health professionals and educators in their battle against drugs. For example:
Report any suspicious activity in your neighbourhood.

Ask school administrators to invite experts to speak to students about drugs.
Believe in yourself - everyone has special talents. To develop yours fully, stay away from harmful drugs. You can, if you believe you can.
Remember, one generation is already lost because of drugs. Yours should be saved.

Source: Drugs, The Evil Addiction


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Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman

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Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
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