Popular actors Afran Nisho and Mithila Farzana will be seen appearing together in a tele-film titled ‘Abaro Devdas’ on the occasion of upcoming Eid. TV drama-maker Imraul Rafat is producing this special tele-film based on the Sharat Chandra’s famous novel ‘Devdas’. The shooting of the tele-film has begun on Saturday at a shooting house at Zirabo, Savar.
Imraul Rafat has renovated the characters for the tele-film in his own style to match them with the modern time. According to the tele-film version of the story, Afran Nisho is playing as Dwip, while Mithila will appear as Parul and Piya as Chadni under the shadow of Devdas’ Chandramukhi. Besides, audience-admired Tariq Anam Khan, Ivana and Niloy will be seen playing different roles in the tele-film.
Imraul Rafat said about the tele-film, “I have tried to present a modern ‘Devdas’ in 2015 based on the Islam religion under the shadow of ‘Devdas’ of Sharat Chandra. I believe the audience will find the uniqueness in my ‘Devdas’ and I request the audience not to look for the similarity between Sharat Chandra’s ‘Devdas’ and my modern version of ‘Devdas’.”
Nisho said about working in the tele-film, “Mithila is my childhood friend and it’s always pleasurable for me to work with her. I never thought that the two of us would work in such an amazing venture together. My special thanks to director Imraul Rafat for casting me in the tele-film. I should say that Mithila acted wonderfully in the role of Parul.”
Mithila shared the experience of the work, “I am a fan of Sharat Chandra’s ‘Devdas’ from my childhood. I was fascinated by Chashi Nazrul Islam’s ‘Devdas’ in our country as well as ‘Devdas’ produced by Sanjay Leela Bhansali also won my heart. I used to think at that time when I watched the films that if anyone makes ‘Devdas’ again in the future, I have to play as Parboti there. Finally, Rafat came up with ‘Abaro Devdas’ to make my dream come true, in which I played as modern Parul.
The Eid special tele-film ‘Abaro Devdas’ has been produced with the aim of airing on SATV during this Eid-ul-Fitr. l Photo: Mohsin Ahmed Kawsher
Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
Published by the Editor on behalf of Independent Publications Limited at Media Printers, 446/H, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1215.
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Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
Published by the Editor on behalf of Independent Publications Limited at Media Printers, 446/H, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1215.
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