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18 June, 2015 00:00 00 AM

Changing the mindset

Ashik Kabir

The gang rape that took place on  21st May and shocked the nation  was a heinous crime  against a vulnerable female of a backward community. The victim belonged to a  tribal community of Bangladesh where such communities are perceived to  be under the threat of being attacked by the powerful ones. In the last two months there have been three rape cases reportedly done using vehicles. Obviously, the ideas are taken from the notorious Delhi rape case of 2012. Women safety is a question mark when in the capital of the country an organized criminal group is defying  the law with impunity.
The crimes against women taking place in the country should be condemned and voice should be raised by the student communities irrespective of their differences because in the future  the same will leave a deep scar in our memory and conscience. There are so many reasons why a woman gets raped by a man or a bunch of men. The first and foremost reason is that she is living in a patriarchal society—a society where women are considered  inferior to men. It does not even matter that she is worthier than other men. And of course we have to keep in mind that we are living in a conservative society where there is noted reluctance to allow women to enjoy their rights fully. Women  are ideally expected to be only confined to four walls of home where  they should learn how to cook or  how to do other household chores. Even if nowadays she is given the right to work outside but she also has to look after all those household jobs because patriarchal society expects her to do such works exclusively.
In our society women are suppressed for every other things. She should always answer the questions even if she is not responsible for the fact. it doesn't even matter for me how many people will be interested in this small piece of article but it
will at least give me peace of mind that I have raised my voice against this issue. Rape case is not a very new thing in our society but it is also taking place in highly developed countries like USA as well as  developing countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and so on.
Rape cases were happening in the past , they are taking place now and they will be taking place in future if radical actions   are not taken by the authorities . The way it took place in Delhi
in December 2012 it was possibly the most brutal  one could imagine. After this incident the whole world was taken aback  and some people raised their voice against this worst method of showing how men physically dominate  women.
The worst way of showing that men is superior than women is rape, when a man can have sex without the willingness of that woman. On the other hand a woman cannot rape a man because rape is a male induced phenomenon. The physical form of man is shaped in a way that without their willingness no woman can have sexual intercourse with them.
But we can find some details from the ancient history where it feels like rape was part of their religion and philosophy. In the history of ancient Greece a huge number of cases are there where rape is glorified . And according to it men can gain anything from women even their body with force, men can use them as they wish because they are only meant for sexual pleasure. History from ancient Greek carries the idea that women can be conquered by men anyhow by using their force. There may be a lot of explanation about this male dominating society of ancient Greece. But it justifies the fact that rape cases were glorified from  the ancient period and it has created a mind set that women should be always suppressed and will be under the power of men. Even if they  are aware of this exploitation, women don't have the courage to come out from the monotonous life of exploitation to a new free life where they can  enjoy a life of their own,  where there would  enjoy  full freedom like men.
Nowadays in our society rape cases are seen to be rising alarmingly. In some cases the law enforcing forces are also found involved in the rape cases directly or indirectly. Even  in some cases the victims are accused of the crimes  and there are people who keep  on saying that it was because of the freedom she was given she was raped. But freedom is their right ; they are free to do anything they want  if it’s not hurting anyone's feelings or rights.
It’s not like that a woman should be criticized by the society but the society members  should change their view on woman. It is the society that has created the laws that has so many faults and it is giving a lot of opportunities to the criminals to run away from the grip of the authorities.
Our mind set about women should be changed. They should be treated with respect, love and affection. They are equal to  men and their equality should be established in society.

The writer is doing his post graduation in Economics at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi


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