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14 March, 2016 00:00 00 AM

Going along with life..!


Her name was Linda. She hadn't come to college for a few weeks and I decided to find out why. Her mother who answered the doorbell had a troubled look on her face, "She was hurt by a cab!"
I walked in and found Linda in bandages and apparently in much pain. "My sleeve got caught onto the cab door," she said, "and the driver started driving off without realizing I was caught!"
"She tried to struggle, and free herself," said her mother, "but just couldn't!"
As I spent the evening with poor Linda I wondered what else the poor girl could have done and it was many years later I read an article by Steve Goodier, 'When You're Pulled Along!'
I wish Linda had read it before she had got into the same situation:
'Do you ever feel as if your life is pulling you someplace you don't want to go?' asks Goodier, 'Comedian Carol Burnett experienced one of those moments when she emerged from a cab one day and caught her coat in the door. The driver was unaware of her plight and slowly began to edge out into traffic. All of a sudden, she found herself being pulled out into the street. All she could do was run alongside the cab as it made it's way down the block.'
'A passerby alerted the driver who quickly stopped. He jumped out and released Carol's coat from the door.
 "Are you all right?" he asked anxiously.
"Yes," she gasped, "but how much more do I owe you?"
Continues the author, 'Life goes like that sometimes. It pulls us along and all we can do is run to keep up. Or it may pull us in a direction we never chose to go and charge us for the experience!'
It pulls us into frightening problems and circumstances.
It pulls us into complex situations that call forth the best from us.
It pulls us into experiences that change us and mould us.
It pulls us into the lives of other people.
It pulls us into opportunities to make a difference.
It pulls us in directions we never planned on going and gives us
experiences we never thought we needed.
Sometimes all we can do is try to run alongside and make the best of a
situation. But if we also let those situations make the best of us, it will always be worth the trip.
I thought of Linda, this morning, all wrapped up in bandages, bruised and battered and wondered how like many of us she she'd been, fighting with life instead of going along and making the best of the situation..!

[email protected]  


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Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
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