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4 March, 2016 00:00 00 AM

Controlling pesticide use

Controlling pesticide use

Indiscriminate use of pesticides for growing crops, vegetables and fruits is exposing the consumers to health hazards, according to a recent report of this newspaper. It is a fact that excessive use of pesticides is detrimental to soil health, public health, environment and biodiversity as a whole. There was a time when farmers would grow crops, vegetables and fruits without using pesticides and chemical fertilizers. They would use natural fertilizer like cow dung and control insects in their own way.
Due to rapid population growth in the country during the past few decades, demand for food grain, vegetables and fruits has increased manifold. To cope with the demand, farmers have become accustomed to using chemical fertilizers and pesticides in excessive proportions not knowing their harmful effects.
     This practice is doing more harm than good. First, the indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides are decreasing soil fertility. In this process a fertile land may turn barren. It is also causing environmental pollution. Consumption of food grain produced by using pesticides is harmful for health. The toxic elements enter human body through the food chain. Scores of farmers in rural areas use pesticides in their croplands indiscriminately to augment production. They do this due to ignorance and absence of training imparted by agriculture officials.   
That the crops and vegetables become toxic and hazardous for consumption at the growing stage is a reality. Things do not end here. Food grains, vegetables and fruits loaded in trucks and other vehicles come to towns and cities. Apparently they look fresh and shiny but they are unsafe for consumption due to toxic substance hidden in them. Widespread use of formalin and other things in fruits and vegetables make those poisonous.
The government, particularly the agriculture department, should take remedial measures to halt this malpractice. Members of the law enforcing agencies can also play vital roles in this regard. Awareness should be generated among farmers about the adverse impact of the same. Agriculture officials can train up farmers about the use of fertilizers and pesticides in proper doses. Holding of farmers’ gatherings and field day at different villages from time to time can help farmers acquire proper skills in this regard. While it is necessary to bring the outlets for selling pesticides under regulation, vigilance should also be maintained so that pesticides are not sold to farmers in exchange for money.      
There is no justification in poisoning agricultural produce, vegetables and fruits with formalin and pesticides. Our future generations should not be exposed to toxic crops, vegetables and fruits for their healthy growth.


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Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman

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Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
Published by the Editor on behalf of Independent Publications Limited at Media Printers, 446/H, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1215.
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