Just a few days ago three world leaders from two opposite camps said the same thing, though in different tones. President Obama of America blamed his predecessor Bush for war against Iraq and said Bush was responsible for the present turmoil in the Middle-east and the rise of IS. The same thing was uttered by Fidel Castro- the retired leader of Cuba who blamed America and the western powers for creating and sustaining IS for their own purpose.
Tony Blair, Britain's ex-premier who falsely implicated President Saddam of Iraq for keeping weapon of mass destruction and joined Bush in an unending destructive war, though belatedly, has admitted his blunder. He is a Machiavellian politician. So long he did not admit his wrong doing and had been trying to justify it. There is worldwide condemnation against him and he has now admitted that Iraq war was a blunder on his part. Still he did not agree that it was not simply a blunder but a crime.
After these confessions by two western leaders it was expected that they would formulate a combined policy to stop war in Middle-east and crush IS, the barbaric force who is now expanding its barbarity in different countries and have established medieval state in Iraq and Syria. It is now open secret that like Taliban and Al-Qaeda, IS was created with American patronization, Saudi money and arms and Israeli training. Saudi Arabia wanted to destroy their Shiite enemy in Syria and Iran. Israel wanted the destruction of these two countries because Iran is the most powerful in Middle-East now and can thwart its aggression and Syria is Iran’s ally. Both America and Israel want to divide Syria and Iraq and that IS should control the main oilfields so that they can buy it from them in cheap price. This prolonged war in the Middle-east has boost up American war industry which is now the main life line of American economy.
From this motive western powers including America along with NATO are very slow to defeat IS and they are only depending on indiscriminate bombing on civilian places which is killing hundreds of civilians including women and child while IS remains strong only losing some of its leaders in the battle. It is now very clear that America's main aim is the regime change in Syria. They first created IS only to remove President Assad from power. When IS turned out to be a Frankenstein for them also they did not want to kill it but to tame it so that it can be used for achieving their purposes.
When the western game was exposed that they wanted to remove Assad regime from power and till then they would not defeat IS totally but only intend to curb IS's power, Russia stepped in. The western powers and Israel perhaps wanted to encourage IS to split up Iraq and Syria permanently which would help them immensely. In the face of this game Russia was forced to bomb the stronghold of IS in Syria to destroy this demon created by western powers who are still trying to keep it alive for their own interest. When Russia started effective bombing on IS strongholds America and its western allies could not welcome Russia's joining the anti-IS war but started criticizing them. Western media also started propaganda that the Russia bombings are killing civilians and this time they declared openly that they want to remove Assad from power.
In the past western aggression to oust Saddam of Iraq and Gaddafi of Libya from power proved to be disastrous for the entire region. Both countries lost their political and economic stability and all-round anarchy is now prevailing in those two countries. Now some Americans, including a presidential candidate admitted it was a blunder to remove secular Saddam from power and now Iraq has plunged into unending blood bath and the monster of religious terrorism spreading over not only in the Middle-east but Europe also.
Knowing fully well that the same thing will happen in Syria if Assad goes without any democratic alternative, the western powers are bent upon destroying that country for their narrow self-interest. To American administration the regime change in Syria is the main objective, not defeating the blood-thirsty IS. So when Russia intervened in Syria after consulting America, Saudi Arabia and even Israel, America could not adjust with the new situation. They are afraid that Russian bombing will be successful and the western design to divide and exploit oil-rich Middle-east will fail and their most profiteering war industry will collapse. They are now buying oil in a cheap price from IS which will be stopped if IS is destroyed.
It is now no more a mystery that how IS has gathered so much money, arms and power. American patronization, training by Mossad of Israel and Saudi money and arms are constant sources of strength of IS. Now some powerful western media are also strongly criticizing their government’s strong patronization of Saudi Arabia on IS issue.
The Turkish involvement in this crisis is an unfortunate event. Turkey's present Erdogan Government is Islamist. They are also against Shiite Kurds and engaged in fighting against them. These Kurds are also fighting in Syria against IS and becoming a forceful power. Turkey government is afraid of them and fears Kurds may establish an independent Kurdistan including some areas of Turkey. Some observers think America is trying to use Turkey against Russia in a proxy war.
Turkey has been a client state of America for a long time now. During Second World War Turkey remained a neutral country and did not join the war. Kemal's Turkey was a secular and truly independent country and did not toe the line of western imperialism. The last 'Kemalite' President Ismet Inonu was the President of the country for 9 years. He resolutely opposed his country's joining any warring camps. After the Second World War America started influencing Turkish politics. They infiltrated into Turkish army and the country gradually went back to its religious past with the rise of anti-secularist parties. America even persuaded Turkey to join their military alliance known as Baghdad pact.
During Korean War when American army under General MacArthur invaded Korea without the formal sanction from the UN, Turkey joined that war under American pressure. The invasion failed, MacArthur had to retreat and not a single soldier of the Turkish battalion was alive. They were all killed. It was a big news in the western media in those days. The present Erdogan Government does not seem to have taken any lesson from the past. They shot down a Russian fighter plane on the plea that that the aircraft strayed in their territory for 17 seconds, knowing fully well that the Russian plane was carrying out an operation against IS in the mountains of northern Latakia. Before any confirmation that the Russian plane has really violated the Turkish airspace President Obama jumped to the conclusion that it was a violation of the Turkish airspace and that Turkey has right to defend its territory. Now it is anybody's guess whether this attack on the Russian plane was encouraged by America.
Just a few days ago a Russian passenger aircraft was destroyed near Sinai killing 240 passengers including women and children. IS claimed they destroyed it, but some observers expressed their doubts whether IS has that capacity. Of course if there is a bigger hand to help them to destroy the Russian plane then it is an altogether a different story. Those who remember a similar accident during the war between Iran and Iraq, they know that the Iranian aircraft which was destroyed in the sky with 300 civilian passengers was not an act by Iraq. It was America who was then helping Saddam of Iraq, and helped to destroy this passenger plane. America said it was a mistake and did not accept the accusation that it was premeditated attack on innocent civilians.
I will not be surprised if in the near future it is revealed that the present attack on the Russian planes was also plotted by the same power. One Russian helicopter was also destroyed which was searching for their jet's pilots. A London Daily reported on the 25th of November, ‘A Russian helicopter searching for their pilot on the jet was destroyed by rebels using an anti-tank missile supplied by the US’. This report strengthens the belief that IS and Syrian rebels are still getting weapons from America and Saudi Arabia.
The reaction of these incidents and the suspicion regarding secret western involvement are now agitating the conscious western public opinion also. In the daily newspaper Metro of London its readers are openly criticizing the Cameron government over their role in the war against IS. Last Wednesday (November 25) a reader from North London expressed his opinion commenting, 'To effectively diminish IS we need to identify and to cut off their funding sources, which includes stopping buying millions of dollars’ worth of oil from them'. Another reader Mr. Allan from London wrote in the Letters to the Editor column, 'David Cameron should stop arming Saudi Arabia if he wants to defeat terrorism'. Another reader R. Dissa wrote in his letter, 'We should control our border and consider alternative energy instead of funding the Saudis with oil money-they have been sponsoring terrorism for decades'. Some readers raised the question that who is behind the Saudis?
It perhaps is a proxy war between Russia and America. But the shooting of a Russian plane by Turkey has unmasked that western game undoubtedly. Will it spark a Third World War? I doubt it. If America does not take lessons from their mad adventures in Korea, Vietnam and Iraq they will create a problem bigger than those from which they might not come out with honour. The western leaders like Obama and Tony Blair confessed their guilt over Iraq war and the rise of the IS. Yet after their confession how could they go for a confrontation with Russia which might defeat their very purpose of destruction of IS terrorism? This is nothing but another typical example of western hypocrisy.
London, 27 November 2015
Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
Published by the Editor on behalf of Independent Publications Limited at Media Printers, 446/H, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1215.
Editorial, News & Commercial Offices : Beximco Media Complex, 149-150 Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh. GPO Box No. 934, Dhaka-1000.
Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
Published by the Editor on behalf of Independent Publications Limited at Media Printers, 446/H, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1215.
Editorial, News & Commercial Offices : Beximco Media Complex, 149-150 Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh. GPO Box No. 934, Dhaka-1000.
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