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5 June, 2015 00:00 00 AM

Letters to the editor    

What type of education ?
A complete overhaul of the education system is very necessary. The present system in Bangladesh  produces mainly literates or generalists or the ones having religious education in madrashas.  They are of little  use for the country's developmental or economic needs. The thrust right from the primary to secondary and higher secondary stages should be on need based education.  Agricultural, vocational, scientific, technical and managerial education should form important components of syllabuses progressively throughout these stages. Sea changes will have to be achieved to these ends in the field of teachers' training, recasting of syllabuses and other related matters.
Substantial investments are required to build specialised educational or training institutions to create diverse human resources in fields such as leather technology, fashion designing, marine technology, agro-products processing, information technology, seafood processing, modern farming, etc. Investments in these specialized and sector based  educational institutions can have the most effect in  taking care of the supply sides requirements to expedite economic growth.
   Greater public sector investments in technical and higher education is also necessary because the majority of the pupils are in no position to afford such education at home or abroad. Only greater public sector resources going into the above forms of education, even at the cost of government subsidies, should produce the highly beneficial long term effect of creating a growing pool of technically able manpower in the country for  engaging in various tasks to expand the economy.

Samiul Haque
Dhanmondi, Dhaka

What matters is efficient utilization of resources
 It  should be obvious that what we very importantly  need is not increased allocation of resources. The most important need  is to ensure optimum or efficient utilisation of resources in each sector. It does not matter whatever the allocations for a sector if the same are not well utilised to  create value or wealth.
Government  spending have much increased . The higher levels of spending have been sustained considerably with risks by resorting to lending from the public and the banks.   The debt servicing  liabilities on these accounts are fast climbing which makes the  issue of optimum returns from  public sector spending all the more significant.  
Strong criticisms have been voiced about  higher sectoral allocations in the Bangladesh economy and the resultant poor sectoral performance. Education,  in particular, is presently enjoying a lion's share of the budget. But  there are allegations  that corruption, colossal in nature,  is plaguing the education  sector that makes added expenditures into it  a largely ineffective drain of resources.
    Similar allegations of corruption and misuse of resources are heard in relation to  other sectors in varying degrees that underline that all governments in this country  from now on will have to devise the ways and means of corruption free  much better utilisation of the taxpayers' money.

Shamim Ahmed
Gulshan, Dhaka


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Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman

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Editor : M. Shamsur Rahman
Published by the Editor on behalf of Independent Publications Limited at Media Printers, 446/H, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1215.
Editorial, News & Commercial Offices : Beximco Media Complex, 149-150 Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh. GPO Box No. 934, Dhaka-1000.

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