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29 September, 2017 00:00 00 AM

Who will build up the nation?

Teachers seem to believe that they have an authoritative power to dominate the students. Second, they think what they have learnt is completely correct and the best
Mohammad Jashim Uddin
Who will build up the nation?

In The Republic, Plato, a great renowned Greek philosopher and teacher of Aristotle, desires to ban poets and poems from his ideal (Utopian) state with some certain conditions. According to him, poems are the mother of lies and poems are twice far away from the truth. As the same time, he mentions when poets write any poems to convey the message of God, to admire God only and to instruct the world, those poets and poems then can only be accepted.
On the other hand, in Poetics, his student Aristotle, a Greek philosopher and the father of literary criticism, respectfully differs the opinion of his master, Plato regarding poems.  Rather, he shows that poems are representation of human life and their surroundings.  Then he presents his arguments one after another against his teacher.
It is interesting though they differ each other, their relations are so sweet which beyond our imagination. Why and how is it possible? The answer is very simple. First, Plato is the student of Socratic, the greatest philosopher in the history of the world, and Aristotle is the student of Plato. Does the relation bring any significance to us? Obviously, it assures us that without having a good teacher, a student can never achieve his/her goal.
Similarly, it also tells us that the student can determine what he/she has fixed up as his/her aim in life, because a student need not follow his/her teacher’s career but seeing the success of a teacher he/she realizes that they must work according to their will. In that case, a teacher must act as a facilitator and a good guide.
Second, their relationship tells us that if a teacher really has depth knowledge in his/her subject, his/her student can only get the right knowledge then. Third, here the relations make us sure that students and teachers are very cooperative and they can frankly share everything in enhancing their knowledge. Fourth, no one here attacks each other but they welcome the different opinions so that weakness of logic and ideas can remove from the way of development of knowledge.

Fifth, they use very gentle words to differ each other’s opinion. As a result, literature thirsty people have got new ideas and felt that how one idea can develop the other ideas. So, the development of Greece is not a mysterious one. Now it is matter of sorrow when we look the relationship between teachers and students in our country since the British period.

If we observe the relationship between teachers and students it seems to me very much antagonistic and hostile. Even the activity between them can be considered either the game of cat and rat or the role of a master and a flatterer. Why do students always fear their teachers from early childhood in most of the cases?

First, teachers always believe that they have such an authoritative power to dominate the students. Second, they think what they have learnt is completely correct and the best. So, if any student differs his/her opinion, the student must be assaulted physically or mentally.  
Third, teachers always think the student should blindly follows their lecture and vomit in the exam script what they have taught in the class. If a student thinks to write a better answer, teachers take it as their insulation. It means that no new idea is welcomed by most of the teacher.

Fourth, in the class teachers never try to understand the level of the students and feel the pulse correctly. As a result, students’ desire-liking-disliking-dream is mostly undiscovered. So, most of the hidden potentiality is destroyed in the nip of buds.  
Fifth, students are not safe in the hand of their teachers, because some teachers assault female students physically and mentally inside or outside the class. Even they use them for their different purposes but they think students may not understand what he/she wants.  

Sixth, some teachers may not have the proper knowledge about his subject let alone the other subjects. Consequently, when students ask them something else, they may fail to get the concrete answer or they may become more confused because of their teachers. It happens because nowadays teachers may not think to enhance their knowledge. It is impossible for a teacher to know everything but should he/she have the rights to make the students confused? Or he/she should simply reply as I have some lacking regarding this matter you had better come next or you consult with such and such one.

Seventh, instead of being a catalyst of students to build up their future, teachers think to develop their career using the strengths of students.  
That’s why, they encourage students to be involved in some unacceptable task. For example, when a student wants to be trained up in practicing to handle an arm, teachers also wish to be a part of that. Or, because of teachers’ misguidance, a student shows his/her interest to attend any political programme instead of attending the lass.
Eighth, a teacher is backbiting nowadays against his/her collogues and they even share their personal matter with students.  So, students take their decision then not to be a teacher in future. They start believing that this is a nasty profession because of teachers’ politics, and teachers do not have any personality.
But we know teachers are known as the nation’s builder. As teachers act today, students will react tomorrow. If teachers fail today, students must fail tomorrow and the nation will fall in a ditch then certainly. It can be a worthy question whether teachers are honoured properly nowadays. No, but why not? Because teachers themselves are responsible not to keep their position remain unchanged in society; rather, they are busy to politicize and earn money illegally. Obviously money is a must to survive in society, but they should earn such a way so that no one can raisefinger towards teachers.

In conclusion, it should be mentioned that the writing’s aim is not to humiliate teachers but to notice them why day by day they are losing their social position. They must consider their profession is sacred and if they fail to produce the skill hands for nation, who will build up the nation’s future? Here should be apologized those teachers who are really good, honest, devoted, cooperative, punctual, and regular learners, but who take teaching as a ground of materialistic benefits, please ensure us for your such a task who will take the nation in forward?

The writer is Senior Lecturer, Department of English, Northern University Bangladesh,  [email protected]


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