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8 September, 2017 00:00 00 AM
North Korea crisis

US seeks Kim asset freeze


London: The US has proposed a range of new United Nations sanctions against North Korea, including an oil ban and a freeze on leader Kim Jong-un's assets, reports BBC.

The draft resolution circulated to the Security Council members comes after North Korea's sixth nuclear test and repeated missile launches.

Pyongyang also claims to have developed a hydrogen bomb and continues to threaten to strike the US.

China and Russia are both expected to oppose further sanctions.  North Korea is already under highly restrictive sanctions imposed by the UN that are intended to force the leadership to curtail its weapons programmes.

In August, a new round of sanctions banned exports including coal, costing North Korea an estimated $1bn (£767m) - about a third of its entire export economy.

But some trade avenues remain open to it.

The draft US proposal calls for a total ban on supplying a range of oil products to North Korea and a ban on its textile export industry.

It also suggests freezing the assets of Mr Kim and the North Korean government, as well as banning him and other senior officials from travelling.

North Korean labourers would also be banned from working abroad, principally in Russia's Far East and China.

Remittances from foreign earnings and textile exports are two of the most important remaining sources of income for North Korea.  But it is not clear how China and Russia, which both supply oil to North Korea and wield vetoes at the Security Council, will respond to the US move.

On Thursday, China's foreign minister Wang Yi told reporters that the council should respond further "by taking necessary measures", but did not elaborate.


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