POST TIME: 19 January, 2017 12:34:38 AM / LAST MODIFIED: 19 January, 2017 11:17:45 AM
Only 12 out of 51 move to permanent campuses
Private universities

Only 12 out of 51 move to permanent campuses

Only 12 private universities among 51 have moved to permanent campuses some 24 years after they were established, even though under the law they were supposed to move within seven years.

The deadline for shifting to permanent campuses will end on January 31.
Some universities have partially begun construction work on their own lands and are currently operating from tin-shed structures.
A number of universities has begun piling work while others are building roofs. Some have bought lands but could not start construction, while some have not even bought specific plots of land as per the law.
A few universities have been carrying out academic work on the lands belonging to their respective foundations while some are functioning from different campuses.
As per the law, land belonging to the university should be trouble-free, undivided and freehold, but some universities are not adhering to this norm.
Two universities like BRAC University and Shanto Mariam University of Creative Technology have more than one permanent campus.
Presidency University in the capital did not buy any land while Premier University in Chittagong, Sylhet International University and IBAIS University have disputes among the board of trustees and cases have been filed in courts.
The education ministry and the University Grants Commission (UGC) are clueless as to what should be done as most of the universities would fail to move before the deadline. These would be violations of the law.
The UGC is not sure what action should be taken and has sent reports to the education ministry, which will decide on the next course of action.
Relevant sources said if the government does not take any action, it would flout the law, as the private universities have been given several deadlines.

The 12 universities that have moved to their own campuses are: North South University, Bashundhara, Dhaka; University of Science and Technology, Chittagong; Independent University, Bashundhara, Dhaka; International University of Business Agriculture and Technology, Uttara, Dhaka; International Islamic University, Sitakunda, Chittagong; Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Tejgaon, Dhaka; East West University, Rampura, Dhaka; Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT), Mirpur, Dhaka; Gono Bishwabidyalay, Savar, Dhaka; BGC Trust University Bangladesh, Chittagong, The University of Asia Pacific, Farmgate, Dhaka; and City University, Savar, Dhaka.
Despite having permanent campuses, BUBT is operating from a rented building at Mirpur-2 in the capital while City University has a campus at Panthapath in the city after obtaining the government’s approval. On the other hand, Gono Bishwabidyalay is running MBBS and physiotherapy programmes even though it has been banned from conducting classes by the health ministry, UGC sources said.
And though Daffodil International University has built a permanent building in Savar, it has not shifted its academic activities completely from the capital. Besides, this university is running courses in Sukrabad and Uttara in the capital, which is against the law.
Ten universities are carrying out their partial academic activities either in tin-shed structures or in buildings that are under construction on their own campuses. The universities are American International University Bangladesh in Banani in Dhaka; Asian University of Bangladesh in Savar; Dhaka International University in Badda in the capital; Leading University, Talibpur in Sylhet; University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, Mohammadpur in Dhaka; Uttara University under Turag in the capital; Royal University of Dhaka in Bhairab, Kishoreganj; University of Information Technology and Sciences in Badda; Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology, Turag, Dhaka; and Northern University Bangladesh, Dakshinkhan, Dhaka.
Meanwhile, 10 universities have purchased the necessary lands and the buildings are under construction. They are Bangladesh University in Mohammadpur, Dhaka; Green University of Bangladesh, Narayanganj; the People’s University of Bangladesh in Narsingdi; United International University, Badda; Southern University of Bangladesh, Arefin Nagar, Chittagong; Eastern Universtiy, Savar; World University of Bangladesh in Uttara; Bangladesh Islamic University in Jatrabari in the capital; East Delta University, Mozaffarnagar in Chittagong; and ASA University in Turag, Dhaka.
State University Bangladesh, Manarat International University, Prime Asia University, Metropolitan University, Sylhet, University of Development Alternative and University of South Asia have bought plots of land, but have not been able to start construction.
Prime University has bought 0.576 acres, Stamford University of Bangladesh 1.09 acres and Central Women’s University has purchased 0.33 acres, but as per the law, they require two acres each.
The construction work of BRAC University is going on in Merul Badda on the 5.58-acre land. Besides, the university authorities are holding classes for one semester programme in the under-construction building in Birulia, Savar, adjacent to the capital. They have been asked to inform the government that the land has no encumbrances.
On the other hand, Shanto Mariam University of Creative Technology is operating from its permanent campus on 4.53 acres in Kalma, Savar. Besides, it has been informed that the plan of its main campus has been passed by the Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkhya (RAJUK) on 3.75 bighas in Uttara. The authorities have been asked to inform the government that the land is undivided and freehold.
South East University and the Millennium University are operating from lands belonging to their foundations. But the land handover is under process.
UGC sources said the private universities were given the deadline to move to their own campuses for the first time in 2012 after the formulation of the Private University Act, 2010. The second deadline was given in 2013, the third deadline was given till June 2015 and the last deadline was given in January 2016.
Currently, there are 95 private universities in the country. But only 51 universities had crossed the deadline of moving to their own campuses. Of the 51, only 12 have moved to their own buildings.
UGC chairman Prof. Abdul Mannan told The Independent that the universities had been given time, but most of them had failed to comply with the law.
When asked what action would be taken, he said: “We’ve sent a recommendation to the ministry. The ministry would take necessary steps.”
The UGC said a meeting would be held to determine the next course of action after the deadline is over.