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24 January, 2017 00:00 00 AM / LAST MODIFIED: 24 January, 2017 03:45:38 PM

GP gains, others lose revenue

GP gains, others lose revenue

Bangladesh’s biggest mobile operator, Grameenphone (GP), has emerged as the biggest revenue-grosser in the telecom sector, while other operators have experienced a slide. It is believed that the biometric programme has affected the subscriber base of other operators. At the end of 2016, GP had a revenue market share of 54 per cent compared to other four operators' 46 per cent. As the 2016 financial year ended for the operators a few days ago, they shared 5.5 per cent of the total revenue with the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory commission (BTRC), thus giving an indication of the industry’s revenue profile. The data showed that compared to the previous quarter (Q3), most operators were unable to retain their revenue levels in Q4. In Q4, Grameenphone (GP) gave the BTRC Tk. 1,427,725,941, Robi-Airtel deposited Tk. 6,553,657,772, Banglalink (BL) Tk. 585,518,952 as 5.5 per cent of their total revenue.
Government mobile operator Teletalk’s revenue-sharing figure was not available. Another mobile operator, Citycell, has not shared any revenue as it has almost lost its subscribers after a tussle with the BTRC over the issue of dues. Sources said Q3 was healthy for all operators in terms of revenue. During that period, GP shared Tk. 142,86,32,000, Robi-Airtel Tk. 70,38,28,690 and the BL Tk. 615,573,969. In Q4, the market share of revenue was 54 per cent for GP, 22 per cent for BL, and 24 per cent for Robi-Airtel. The number of subscribers in December 2016 was 57.9 million for GP, 33.80 million for Robi-Airtel, 30.98 million for BL and 3.6 million for Teletalk. The market share of subscribers was 46 per cent for GP, 24.6 per cent for BL, 26.7 per cent for Robi-Airtel and 2.8 per cent for Teletalk.
 Robi and Airtel merged in November 2016.  Industry officials said GP made a record profit this year as they were able to complete the biometric exercises much ahead of other operators. “During the biometric process, GP invested hugely and had high bill-paying subscribers. Hence. it is the gainer,” said an industry insider.  After the successful merger of Robi-Airtel, they were not able to make comparable gains. “We had applied to the BTRC to get the permission for the merger, but it came almost after one year. The delay cost us dearly and is reflected in the revenue,” said a Robi official.  BTRC chairman Shajahan Mahmud told The Independent, “This is a free and competitive market, but we should look after the growth of all mobile operators.”

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